Coding help - page 284


Off course the 2 currencies must be offered to be combined... the goal here is to create a "cross" that is not offered with existing currencies..i will handle the trade logic once i have a chart to work with..always thank you brother


I like the idea, but ...

But you can niot trade symbols that do not exist in trades offer of symbols. So an offline generic chart can be made, but if can not be traded (you will get a "wrong symbols" error in those cases)

To Evasparkling,

Hi, you PM'd me today seeking a reply and email contact. So you know you have not been ignored, please understand TSD does not permit new registrants to reply to PM's before attaining at least 15 postings to their credit, (ridiculous). This of course forces those new to the forum to post off topic in order to respond, so I apologize for the OT reply here.

I would not provide public programming efforts on ZUP as yet, due to the massive efforts made by a few having worked hard to advance ZUP. It already has enough hybrids out there which only increase the complexity and difficulty for others seeking to learn it.

My interests at this time remain for personal use / learning and only among the 148 version and higher, (those which compile properly in the Mt4 600+ build series).

My overall suggestion to your request to find programmers on ZUP is that you stick to the author's or few having proven their experience with the tool and seek their advice if your desired modifications are within the scope they are aiming ZUP toward. Chances are, if they are not responding favorably to a given request they may indicate why and save you some time / expense in areas which might not prove to have a long term benefit. They know the tool better than anyone.

Again, my apology for being unable to respond to your PM. I likely will not remain here to reach permissions to respond as I normally participate in less restrictive forums. Actually, I have not succeeded in simply getting forum admins to reply to my early requests in trying to use just basic functions on this forum.



To Evasparkling,

Hi, you PM'd me today seeking a reply and email contact. So you know you have not been ignored, please understand TSD does not permit new registrants to reply to PM's before attaining at least 15 postings to their credit, (ridiculous). This of course forces those new to the forum to post off topic in order to respond, so I apologize for the OT reply here.

I would not provide public programming efforts on ZUP as yet, due to the massive efforts made by a few having worked hard to advance ZUP. It already has enough hybrids out there which only increase the complexity and difficulty for others seeking to learn it.

My interests at this time remain for personal use / learning and only among the 148 version and higher, (those which compile properly in the Mt4 600+ build series).

My overall suggestion to your request to find programmers on ZUP is that you stick to the author's or few having proven their experience with the tool and seek their advice if your desired modifications are within the scope they are aiming ZUP toward. Chances are, if they are not responding favorably to a given request they may indicate why and save you some time / expense in areas which might not prove to have a long term benefit. They know the tool better than anyone.

Again, my apology for being unable to respond to your PM. I likely will not remain here to reach permissions to respond as I normally participate in less restrictive forums. Actually, I have not succeeded in simply getting forum admins to reply to my early requests in trying to use just basic functions on this forum.




From our evidence you did not try to contact any of the admins (anybody can send PMs to admins of the forum, without any restriction - even members with 0 posts)

As of restriction : PMs were abused for a flood of commercial spamming so many times that we were forced to introduce a limitation of minimum 15 posts before a user can PM to any member, So, thanks to commercial spammers (and scammers), all the users are introduced these restrictions. Otherwise the users would be flooded with meaningless commercial PMs

all the best


Hi Mladen,

Hope you're Fine ;-)

Please can you do an indicator only with the averageperiod because I want to convert it on ProRealtime and compare it with my results on EUR/USD


double minPeriod = averagePeriod/2.0;

double maxPeriod = minPeriod*5.0;

int endPeriod = MathCeil(maxPeriod);

double signal = MathAbs((price-stored[r-endPeriod][res]));

double noise = 0.00000000001;

for(int k=1; k<endPeriod; k++) noise=noise+MathAbs(price-stored[r-k][res]);

averagePeriod = ((signal/noise)*(maxPeriod-minPeriod))+minPeriod;


Thanks a lot and have a nice day



Oups Sorry Mladen, I succeed alone

"One More Average" MT4 version

"One more Average" ProRealtime Version

Sorry for the request and have a nice Week-end


usd.png  30 kb

Hi All,

I am trying to code an indicator where I want to show if a tick cause an up or down of a price. All ticks that cause a higher price are lime and lower red. I’m currently struggling with the UI possibility in MT4. I would like to have something like volume indicator but in many pieces with 2 different colors. I was able to paint many mini rectangles but I’m not able to organize them at the the same time line as a candle bar or volume bar. They are a bit shifted…Please refer to the screenshot.

Is there a way achieve this?

Here the code I'm using:

string sname = name;

if (lastType == sum)


sname = lastName;

ObjectSet(sname, OBJPROP_PRICE2,value2);






ObjectCreate(sname,OBJ_RECTANGLE,1,date1,value1, date2, value2);

ObjectSet(sname, OBJPROP_WIDTH,5);


ObjectSet(sname, OBJPROP_BACK, True);

if (sum == 1)










//--- set the style of rectangle lines




Thank you and best regards,


tickcount.png  13 kb
Hi All,

I am trying to code an indicator where I want to show if a tick cause an up or down of a price. All ticks that cause a higher price are lime and lower red. I’m currently struggling with the UI possibility in MT4. I would like to have something like volume indicator but in many pieces with 2 different colors. I was able to paint many mini rectangles but I’m not able to organize them at the the same time line as a candle bar or volume bar. They are a bit shifted…Please refer to the screenshot.

Is there a way achieve this?

Here the code I'm using:

string sname = name;

if (lastType == sum)


sname = lastName;

ObjectSet(sname, OBJPROP_PRICE2,value2);






ObjectCreate(sname,OBJ_RECTANGLE,1,date1,value1, date2, value2);

ObjectSet(sname, OBJPROP_WIDTH,5);


ObjectSet(sname, OBJPROP_BACK, True);

if (sum == 1)










//--- set the style of rectangle lines




Thank you and best regards,



Did you check this thread : ?


Hello gurus,

I need just a little help.

Working again on my arbitrage ea.

It opens positions, to make arbitrage. At a specific hour, it adds positions. I get all that working.

But i want it adds positions to a second hour, and this time, i try all i can, but nothing, i'm on it since 2 days.

A wonderfull guru can take a look at it please ?

In the code, search for : ADD TO MAIN POSITIONS 2 (line 220) (the first "add positions" is working)

Thanks a lot !

Big Joe:
Hello gurus,

I need just a little help.

Working again on my arbitrage ea.

It opens positions, to make arbitrage. At a specific hour, it adds positions. I get all that working.

But i want it adds positions to a second hour, and this time, i try all i can, but nothing, i'm on it since 2 days.

A wonderfull guru can take a look at it please ?

In the code, search for : ADD TO MAIN POSITIONS 2 (line 220) (the first "add positions" is working)

Thanks a lot !


Check the values of S1OkToOrder and S2OkToOrder variables. Almost sure that they are preventing you from entering new positions


Hi mladen, you helped me with some code for adding a time feature to EA. I am battling to get a ProfitTarget working. If u could add it to ea Blessing_3_V3_9_6 (I gave link in my earlier post) I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.