How to on Linux ? - page 9

anyone successfully run MT4 on opensuse 10.3 ? ver 11.0 is coming-up

There is no reason why it shouldn't.


Errors on MetaTrader on WIne

Anyone find any other errors with MetaTrader on WIne (besides the cosmetic and minor annoyance, such as F2 and images)? I am looking for errors related to incorrect calculations, crashes, loops, etc.

Anyone find any other errors with MetaTrader on WIne (besides the cosmetic and minor annoyance, such as F2 and images)? I am looking for errors related to incorrect calculations, crashes, loops, etc.

I can't change EA and indicators' properties

I can't change EA and indicators' properties

Yeah that was the killer for me. And there were other minor annoyances which I don't remember anymore.

If you want to run mt on linux, best guess is to install a virtual windows (vmware or similar)

I can't change EA and indicators' properties

I'm running mt4 on opensuse 11.0. To change the properties , you must use F2 or open it in the editor to change them.


Yeah - to me changing properties is an annoyance, since all you need to do is press F2.

I am looking for showstopper type of stuff.


Alo alo,

I have read this thread and the linux way is full of bugs.

Is there any way finally to run the eas WITHOUT PROBLEMS in my vps or I must forget it and buy a windows hosting just for the eas ?

If this way exists do we have a tutorial in some place?



Alo alo,

I have read this thread and the linux way is full of bugs.

Linux is full of bugs? I've been running MT4 under wine in Linux for years. There are no problems doing it at all. Just the F2 thing and the expiry time on pending orders thing, which are minor


Yup, agree with you jafar00. Perhaps if MetaTrader become an open source (free as in freedom not free as in beer) this minor thing could be fixed.


PS. don't be mad about free as in beer. There is nothing wrong with it.

test.jpg  12 kb

Thank you both of you.

Can you give me some basic steps how I can do this from cpanel ?

What i must install in the cpanel and what i must ask from my host company to install in order to have the enviroment to install the mt4?

Thank you\