How to on Linux ? - page 2



currently I am using MT with VMware, that works well, of course. Haven't tried it with wine / cedega, i'll do that later...



WOW, I can't believe it, It's really working perfectly with wine. That is awesome! These MetaQuotes guys really did a great job...Such a program working with wine, I didn't even dream that it could work. So I used VMware. Thx, guys for the idea.

I am using wine v.0.9.8 with GENTOO

Even MetaEditor works perfectly


missing icons

Hi, i've got it running as demo mode but i can get the icons, it seems to need some library don't know which one

here's the screenshoot.

i'm using ubuntu 6.0.6


Icons don't show up with Crossover office, but it works fine with normal Wine. I'm running it with Wine 0.9.17.


Virtual server(VPS,VDS) on Linux


Is it 's possible to run MT4(expert's testing) on Linux based virtual servers?

Thx for yours oppinions.


Hi, I've had MT4 running on my Debian box in the past but I had to remove the wine install and since putting it back I get a critical error. I think it may be to do with my MFC42.DLL version. Can someone who has it working post the dll that they are using?

edit: could someone please zip up all the dlls in their wine directory and attach them here ?


If MT4 is not available as a Linux version, I would not attempt to use it on a live account due to the delay involved by programs such as WINE and whatever other products are out there which must translate the code from Windows to Linux. If you are willing to accept the small [and big] delayed response time or the crashing of the program then by all means..... Nothing is as good as to the platform which is was originally programmed for. Don't use emulators is the bottom line for live trading....


Who said we're using it for live trading? Besides if the program is running there would be fewer stability issues if anything. Have you actually tried it?


Good evening traders,

I do not know if you saw this message with a mt4 which works on linux :

What do you think about it?



Does mata trader work on linux

Does meta4 work on a Linux Operating System?

This would be great as linux can have multiple desk tops and you could run multiple applications of the platform all at the same time on the same cpu. Instead of having to switch and log into each account seperatly.
