Slope of an EMA


Hello Everyone:

As much as I hate to ask for something I should be able to search for on my own, it seems I must. I've searched the site, and some others, but cannot find whether or not an indicator exists that simply returns the slope of an EMA.

Can anyone direct me to such an indicator?

I apologize, in advance, if this has been answered a number of times - I just can't seem to find the correct search.





Interesting concept, wish I could help you. However, since you're looking for something along those lines, check out Woodie's Double CCI indicator. There's a PDF available in the "XO-Method" thread.

It's not exactly what you want, but I think perhaps it will interest you.




Are you looking for something that will give you a value (angle if you will) between 90 and -90 for the movement of an EMA over a given period of time? In other words, If the number was 45 that means a strong uptrend?



Do you mean something like this?


Moneyline: Thanks for the suggestion. I actually use CCI as my entry; Woodie's rules for ZLR's mostly. That is why I am looking for the slope. I haven't see the Double CCI yet, so I'll find that thread and check it out. Much appreciation for the head's up.

HoggZilla (elsewhere known as Steve): Yes, that's exactly what I'm looking for. I keep taking trades when the slope is probably lower than it should be for statistical winners, but I just can't tell with my eyeballs. BTW, keep away from hurricanes this season...

delsule: I think that might work; it looks pretty good. I'm writing this from my Apple Mac at the moment so cannot download it and test it. Can you set the parameters to a certain EMA, and specific slopes for the colors? I'll try it later this afternoon on the PC. Mucho gracias, regardless-ito.

To All: Thanks for responding so quickly to my request. That's exactly what I like about these forums. I get so much help here, I feel a little guilty. So, whenever I have something to share of any value, I promise I'll post it...




I think that indicator might just be the ticket. I also found it in another thread in which it gave the details on changing the parameters.

I've got it set to indicate greater than 25 degree angle of the 34EMA, by setting the angle threshold to 0.434.

I calculated that by learning that that number is in radians:

1 radian = 57 degrees

.33 = 19 degrees

.20 = 11 degrees, etc.

(That info was in the other post)

Thanks everybody for helping out; I hope the above info will be useful to you as well.

Best trading,



Hi all,

I've modified the existing indicator so you can choose what type of MA you want to use and what price to calculate it on. Under MaMethod put:

0 for Simple moving average,

1 for Exponential moving average,

2 for Smoothed moving average,

3 for Linear weighted moving average.

And under MaPrice put:

0 for Close price.

1 for Open price.

2 for High price.

3 for Low price.

4 for Median price, (high+low)/2.

5 for Typical price, (high+low+close)/3.

6 for Weighted close price, (high+low+close+close)/4.

The rest is up to you. Hope it helps someone.


slope of hull moving average

Hello every body and thank you for your contribution,

This is my first post in this forum,

I look for an indicator which gives slope of hull moving average like this attachement.

sorry for my bad english

hmaslope.gif  75 kb

Request for an MA SLOPE Indicator

I should be grateful if someone could program an indicator that calculates the price change per time (not per candle) of a moving average.

Preferably each new dot on the indicator's line would represent the value:

(last value of the MA - previous value of the MA)/hour.

I wish the indicator to work on all time frames and it would be super if one could choose the MA type and periods.




Shouldn't be too hard to do.