Want to learn to program


hello everyone.

ide really like to learn how to program and create my own set of indicators. the problem is i have no idea where to start. i know thier are great code masters here and i dont want to always ask to edit this or to modify that.. i really want to be more useful.

any help getting started would be very appriciated!

thank you all a ton!!


Hi Sarenokai,

Look on the index and you'll find info on CodersGuru MQL lessons.

Look for: Metatrader 4 mql 4 - Development course

Welcome aboard!



thanks ill check out his/her guide.


I find that I learn best by looking at program written by other people. I study them in depth and try to learn how each function works and then it usually is like a snowball effect in that you just keep learning more and more and leads to more functions and pretty soon you can program on your own.


Learn from this site - The best I have seen yet!


Dave <<<