Mobile Trading/Technical Requirements/Automated Trading Championship - page 7

Those statistics are only valid if you provide an option of Mobile Platform with custom indicators and EA. If there is no choice, obviously, the data is going to be skewed to the only choice.

Better yet, you can start a thread poll that ask if given a choice, users want: 1) Mobile with Custom Indicator/EA or 2) Mobile without Custom Indicator. I think you will get the real answer. Of course, you will not like the numbers you get back because I will represent 92% and you will be representing the 8%.

The ball is in your court. Bye.

Maybe you are right, thats why the question with the support of AEs/Indicators in the new mobile trading terminals is open. The only thing i can say now, that we will not include EAs/Indicators to MT4 Mobiles. In MT5 - perhaps. Sorry, now i cant give you more details - we are still discussing features.


MT4 Mobile vs. MT4 Mobile SE - Significant difference?


In our days we can basicly choose between a smartphone running Windows Mobile Professional or Standard.

Professional is naturally much more expensive, but what are you "giving up" when going for the SE version instead of the Pocket PC version?


I moved your post to this thread where Lenar (Head of Metaquotes) is posting some news abou mobile trading.

Besides we are having this thread


Smartphone to use with MT4 mobile?


I'm looking to buy me a smartphone to use for mobile trading.

MT4 mobile requires Winodows Mobile 5 or 6 as OS, so that is a must. A decent battery time will be needed too, and some sort of UMTS/HSDPA connection.

I'd like it to be small and slim aswell, this is quite important. Other than that, i have no more demands.

Which smartphone do people who trade mobile use here? Which can you recommend?


Fellow on the road traders

Just a quick Idea of what I use for mobile trading.

I place and Modify trades on Mobile MT on an Imate Jasjam. Or I also have the capability of accessing my Desktop PC from my Jasjam through Via (Free Version)Windows Mobile version or from any PC connected to the internet. Therefore I can monitor and alter EAs running on my home Trading PC.

Hope this helps


Data requirements for MT4

Hi all

I am wanting to install MT4 on either a smartphone or ultra mobile PC. Assuming I have 5 charts open running an EA 24 hrs/day what kind of data plan should I get for my device ? ie how much data does it use.



Cliff Dominy:
Hi all

I am wanting to install MT4 on either a smartphone or ultra mobile PC. Assuming I have 5 charts open running an EA 24 hrs/day what kind of data plan should I get for my device ? ie how much data does it use.



Hi, take a look at this thread.


handheld computer

One solution is Sony's handheld computer.

You can install ordinary MT4 into it, and use custom indicators and

EAs like normally.

A lot of bells and whistles...with high price...

Sony Vaio UX380N - Notebook Reviews by Mobile Tech Review



Lenar, I will kiss your feet if we can get just custom indicators into the next version of the mobile metatrader platform. I think EA might be too much to ask because of the cpu power that may be needed. Custom indicators should not take any more power to process than the standard indicators unless there are stupid programmers with huge loops. Then that's their problem.

However, I know everyone would want custom indicators because everyone has their own system, and custom indicators is probably 98% of what your customer base uses. I hardly ever see a thread about traders using standard indicators to trade.

They only thing I would trade without custom indicators would be channels and S&R areas. Which is good, but that is probably not your target audience who uses MT mobile. And at $45 a pop, I think you would get 100x the mobile clients that you have now if you have custom indicators.



I think custom indicators for mobile not develop yet but maybe in the future there's custom indicator for mobile, I have looking around in the net to find this custom indicator but not found yet , so my conclusion there's no custom indi for mobile at this time


Forex Indicators Collection