The "XO"-Method......... - page 77


I'm sorry, but I can't spend 40 hours reading the whole 756 posts of this thread without being sure that your method is working. There are way too many trading systems on this forum to be tested. I have a life... ;-)

I think we all have a life, don't you? We have developed this Thread over months and did update the first post by kind cooperation of a very valuable friend. What you seem to miss, is the ideas that went into this method and if you are not prepared to read the back-ground to it all, you will waste everyone elses time by asking questions that have been answered comprehensively. Trading takes dedication and patience and lots of it. If you are so impatient that you cannot find the time to read the Thread, then maybe, just maybe you are one of the guys who needs spoonfeeding, and I don't believe that we have the time to hold your hand. No offense meant. I tried my best to explain to you how this works, it is now up to you, Mark. Show us what mettle you are made of.

You chose to start a thread to propose a method, and that's quite nice of you. Now, is it too much to ask you to put all basic information in your FIRST POST and to update it whenever you change the official settings ? This forum works this way. If everything is clear, there shouldn't even be the least question ! So, you'll be the first person to gain time...

About Forex Freedom, it's what I thought, all bars must be of the same color to validate an entry. But on a chart I enclosed, you can see a well formed downtrend with the Forex Freedom indicator having a red and a blue bar. So, I guess there won't be valid signal on this area hence a loss of potential pips...

This question has been answered just a few posts further up.

I've started reading Woodies forum. His techniques are a bit complicated and not always very precise (for instance about zones where ZLRs can appear), but it's another trading system.

Sorry to say Mark, but once again you want Woodies technique to be made simple so that you can understand it instantly, and once again it took Woodie years to perfect and he is still working on it.

About the timeframe, I fear I should not have to read the entire thread to know about it since it's the MOST basic information concerning a system and it should be in your first post...

It happens to be in the first post.

I precise I've had a global look at your thread, but I didn't find precise answers to my questions.

You prefer to have ".......a global look" but at the same time, you expect me to give you PRECISE answers??

After all, ValeoFX, it's your thread, it's up to you to share your information or not. Now, if more people can test your method, you'll get much more feedback and maybe improvements.

It is no longer my Thread; it belongs to everyone who helped me to develop it. Just a small example and yet significant one, look at what Harold4X just wrote and there are more valuable contributions here.

Don't walk with your head in the cloud (Ischimoku ) and stumble over the gems at your feet, my friend.

I am about to release my testing results at the end of October which will probably have a significant effect on improving not only this method, but also our trading. However, having said that, there is NO Holy Grail.

Wishing you well in whatever it is you have decided to do.



I trust this is seen in the light in which it is meant.


Dear "european" (that was also lazy for not answering my questions in the mail I sent you), do you think it's the first day I've come to the markets ? Like you all, I've been reflexing on strategies and I'm still doing so. But if we all worked in a more -organized- way, we'll get better much quicker.

Thanks et_phonehome_2.

To ValeoFX, I don't need advices on how to be a good trader, I've traded much more complex assets (like certificates or warrants) for years. ;-) Our common goal to everyone here on this forum is to find a successful trading strategy. Now, in order to reach this goal, we should work in a more organized way. As you know, there are dozens (if not hundreds) of systems like yours. To allow traders like me to rapidly get into a new system, make tests, or even propose improvements, it would be better for people that developed the system to detail all necessary information in one post or a small tutorial. It's not efficient at all to be overstrained to read a huge thread like this one to get an answer of a precise question. The same applies with all the people that develop systems on this forum, because the same mistakes have been made. Your system has an history ? Of course it has, but I don't think a newbie has to know which indicators you were using back in 2002 when you first designed this system... It's not a matter of spoonfeeding at all, only of efficiency. I'm convinced you spent hours, days, or months answering questions to individual traders like me, only because your first post wasn't detailed enough. Working in a centralized way would be beneficial to everyone. It's what I wanted you to understand.

I've started studying Woodies system and I posted questions in his forum too. I haven't tested this very system to be able to judge it yet.

Yeah, Harold4X is for sure a nice contributor, it's a pity that the description of his own system should not complete your first post...

Anyway, I'm waiting to get the new release of your system ! There are always good ideas to take.

A last thing : I like to think there is a Holy Grail, because 1) I know that some traders have found very successful methods (even systematic ones) and 2) if there wasn't, what would we all do on this forum ? ;-)

Have a nice day,



Not to add fuel to the fire, but what Mark is saying is that he wants to try out new systems, but doesn't want to go through all the "work" of reading through the posts. Man if life was that easy, everywhere you go you had a pdf file of what to do, and when to do it.

Oh and no desrespect to Mark, i just get upset when the rest of us (well most of us) find time to read throught ALL the posts... and well... he can't because he's busy... and we all know we have nothing else to do

My flame resistant suit is on, so fire away

Many props to Valeo for taking his time to answer the many questions asked, and for sharing this great system with us!



to those who get confused with the mtf xo here is original xo set it at 4.5

xo.mq4  3 kb


I also do not like going through so many posts in a system, but if one is serious about learning it then one will need to find the time to read through it. I know its not fun reading through all the posts especially those that goes into the upper hundereds or even thousands. I wish all was easy, but its not. Once I read through a post of several hundred, just to find at the very end that the system is a loser, but people still post trying to do something with it. We all must read through the posts of systems if we want to find something effective for trading while others have the time to test and improve it, my hand goes out to those who make such systems effective and profitable down the road for people like us to use.

Forex is not a get rich quick sysytem....


No, thats not what i meant

ET phone home,

No you miss understood me, i agree with you!


while i dont trade exactly the xo method as quoted by valeo i had added a few wrinkles of my own that seem to work profitably the holy grail is not trading methods its managing the money

while i dont trade exactly the xo method as quoted by valeo i had added a few wrinkles of my own that seem to work profitably the holy grail is not trading methods its managing the money

I regret if I am interpreting your post as if I had said that you trade the XO_method. (You use the word "quoted") - What I referred to in my post was merely the fact that you don't trade it in the way that I have proposed it (with reference to your post just a few posts higher up) and by posting your way of using the XO_indicator, showed that this Thread does not "belong to me" as Mark suggested.

Many a trader has helped shaping this method and I am extremely fortunate to have had their inputs, yours included.

My next "revealing" you already have shot down, but it works "wonders" for me as it takes away a lot of stress and does not allow me to enter wrongly.

Yes Traders, I have shared this with 5 others in advance as I did not want my enthusiasm to run away with me only to find that it does not work for everyone. One down, FOUR to go. Best is for you to try it yourself anyway and for that you have to wait even if I have to admit that it added no value (this I am convinced of, it adds hugh amounts of value to my personal trading)

Best wishes to all.



Mark, I get your point.

I will ask people to assist me in getting the very first Post upgraded as soon as I have released my Testresults by the end of this month.

For those too lazy to read the background to the method, they will have to put up with my referring them to read the original posts. For people who are competent enough, they can benefit from the very first post.

Best wishes.

ET phone home, No you miss understood me, i agree with you!

Sorry that you misunderstood me, but I also agreed with what you said. The other day I was reading posts from another forum which went on for maybe over 50 posts where members where going at each others throat. The final outcome was that if one does not like a system or are not willing to read it then they shouldn't go on and on about it......

Let's just continue with this system to those who are willing to put their best foot forward to learn....