Fastest Forex News Sources? - page 2

They have a free news plugin for their trading platform

First download their platform

then get the news plugin

It's free,it's almost real time and did I mention it was free?



Thanks Sada,

Do you need to open a demo acount for it to work and does it do UK/Euro news ?


Thanks Sada,

Do you need to open a demo acount for it to work and does it do UK/Euro news ?


Yes you need to open a demo account. they will send you the username and password by e-mail.

Don't forget to install the plugin after the platform installation.

After login, you'll see on the menu bar the "plugin"menu. Go there and click on the NEWS. There's also a "Signal&technical..."section where you can find some comments and support&resistance values for each pair. I usually only look at and leave the news section on.

It usually takes up to 2 mins to download all the latest news but after you get it running, you'll receive the feed almost instanly.Just leave the News window open. News will start streaming at the start of the tokyo market and end at the end of the NY session.


look for business and choose bloomberg. it is on a 20 second delay though.

my news source right now is through the oanda fxtrade platform.

just look for resources and click oanda news


Hi to all

Below, an extract of an informative mail received from Felix Homogratus ( ) :

"....As I promised you, I am writing you an email about the update about the best news services to use for trading short term fundamentals. In this email, I will be also shamelessly pitching you, and will be trying to convince you to become a member of on our next special that will take place on Thursday of next week, July 20th, because I believe that you will tremendously benefit from this investment and will receive outrageous value for your money. If you have aversion to someone trying to sell you something, then you are welcome to delete this email, and just keep receiving my free daily signals as a free subscriber of forexbastards community.

As you know, there are two leaders in the delivery of news services in a super fast fashion that allow me to get into most news trades before spikes happen. They are Bloomberg and Reuters. All other cheaper news services are simply not fast enough to get me as a trader before spikes. I've been using both Reuters and Bloomberg, and as you may know, I've been trying to negotiate a discount with them for our forexbastards community. Here are the results of my negotiations:


Bloomberg Anywhere is an internet platform news service that's set up in a calendar format, and when an economic number is released, you get it immediately on your platform. This service costs $1,700 per month, paid quarterly, so $5,100 every quarter, and in order to get it, you must sign a 2 year contract, and if you break the contract early, you will be liable for 50% of the membership costs until the 2 years is over. Expensive? You bet! So if you break the contract one year too early, you will be liable to pay Bloomberg $10,200 for the 2nd year, even though you won't be using the services. Bloomberg offers various trials of their platform, which vary from 1 week to 60 days. In order to get a trial, you must go through a serious verification process, and usually their sales rep actually visits you personally and makes sure you are serious enough person before they give you a trial. No matter how hard I tried to discuss with Bloomberg to give our group a discount, they just won't do it. They are hard headed like dinosaurs. They have 250,000 subscribers to this $1700 per month service, and they don't want to give any discounts, period...The only discount you can get is if you have multiple computers you want to use their application, they sell you the first license for $1700, and all addition licenses for $1350... You can visit bloomberg on and in the right top corner, click "Bloomberg Anywhere"


Reuters has multiple levels of news softwares as well, which also vary in price from $250 per month to about $2,000 per month. The absolute minimal level we need for forex news trading is the one for $750/month. It also has a calendar, similar to bloomberg's, and you have the numbers pop in there super fast, during the news releases. Reuters and Bloomberg speeds on the numbers are nearly identical. Reuters also offers trials that vary from 7 days to 30 days, but getting the trials is a difficult process...most sales people are swamped, and unless you know someone personally, they don't return your phone calls for weeks, then when they do, they also ask you a bunch of questions, and ask you to send them company details, and then maybe if the sales person thinks you are serious enough, he gives you a trial. Reuters happened to be a much more flexible company than Bloomberg, and though they didn't agree to give free trials to all my free signals people, they did agree to give the 30 days free trials to all the paid members of Simply, because they feel like whoever signed up for is a more serious client who could afford to spend some money, therefore could be interested in staying with Reuters paid service after the trial. And instead of making it $750/month, I am trying to negotiate a discount of about $250, so make their service at $500 per month. And by the way if you sign up for Reuters paid service, they do require a yearly contract, with monthly billing....."




why dont we all team up and pay for it contributing some small $10 each and use the same login?

it may or may not work,

i have been able to login two computers on interbankfx platform which is good since we a trading team.

but i wonder if the reuters/bloomberg is like that


v.usefull thread

Useful thread, thx to moneyline.

One thing I want to mention is that sometimes difficult to judge the news, there may be contradictory news, good or bad.

Does anybody know a web site that simplify it and just say/indicate to buy or to sellimmediately following the news, by signal or not.



saxo bank offer live news from afx,dowjonesnewswire ,marketnews-int and UBS news also during weekends im not sure but if a member they are available at their web also



Faster than Bloomberg and Reuters, at about 1/10th of the cost...

They do EUR reports, and US Equity/Economic reporting at the speed of light. If you are a news trader, it's the best $150 a month you will ever spend.



Professionals, Felix(forexbastards) and Tom Yeoman, recommend to use different news sources. They say a lot about bloomberg and tradethenews ( I pesonally prefer tradethenews. It's a great combination of up-to-second second audio news and price of $175/mo I think is nothing. Check it out!