EA on remote servers ? - page 5


Hi guys, the above system works on my VPS, without going through the messy 'services' route. Just use startup and autologin, dont forget to put a lock command in the startup folder itself.

fortunately i havnt had a single restart for days, i run my live MT4 on VPS.

If you want to read between the lines, i started with V P S l a n d, and soon stopped with them. Save yourself grief and check some standard hosting forums to get some feedback on them before joining.

regards, fxautotrader


Workaround for seeing session0 desktop via RDP

Hi guys, i think ive nailed it, see if this works for you.

IF you follow my method above in current version of virtuzzo VPS, the programs do restart, but you cant interact with desktop via RDP.

I think i have a workaround.

prob: if you use the autorestart feature, and then log on at a later time you dont see your origanal programs that are already running. Infact, if you login using the same username, you will have 2 instances of metatrader running, one visible and one invisible (session0). (check in processes list in task manager)

Stay with me.....

So now the problem is not that metatrader is not restarting, but that u cant see that particular instance that is running via RDP.


1. Make 2 user names (by running control userpasswords2) having adminsitrator rights. (one will ofcouse be Administrator)

2. Make the other to auto login by following my previous post

3. On an restart, this session now autologins, but not visible.

4. Now, login using the other userlogin. We do this as we dont want 2 instances of metatraders running which are loaded in the startup folder.

5. Go to 'users' tab of taskmanager.

6. Right click on the running user, which should have ID0.

7. Click 'Connect'. Enter password for that user.

Now you have connected to the session that was autologined when you restarted. You will see metatrader already running, if it was placed in the the startup earlier.

See if this works for you guys. Im not sure, you may need 2 terminal services sessions from your VPS provider to do this. Or not. Im not sure if vpsland offers that on their entrylevel plan.

The workaround is to use the connect button, not login.

hope this helps


Put VNC on the server, which is free remote control software and that will allow you to connect to the server.

You only need one administrator account on the server. You set the server to auto login upon a reboot and put a shortcut to MT4 in the start up which covers every time you reboot it will start back up the program.

do a search for VNC, that will run as a service on the server and opens a port for you to connect to the server through, just make sure the host provider allows connections through that port number.

hello :

i want to ask you , what is the process of installing the Meta trader on a Linux server , and how to make the EA Run always for the Whole year , withoutany interfere from my side ?

thanks .

One way that works relatively well (2GHz, 0.5Mb) is to run MT4 on XP within a vmplayer that displays to an Xvnc server, which you can attach to via ssh port redirection. You of course need the XP licenced, but all else is free software.

You also of course need to turn off XP's auto-lobotomising (aka upgrades).


Im perfectly running my EAs in a Windows based VPS from http://www.vpsland.com/ (Starter Plan, $25/month)

Once you order, you will receive an email with Remote Desktop Connection settings.

Simply go to Start->Programs->Accessories->Communications->Remote Desktop Connection and connect to your server. You will be able to use it as if it were your own PC, install MT4 and you are done. You should copy MT4 shortcut to Start->Programs->Startup folder, so in case the VPS restarts it will be up and running again inmediately.

There are no security risks as someone said because each Windows instance runs completely isolated, using its alocated disk space, RAM and equal system resources.

Hope it helps!


Thanks guys for all the tips. I am using fxautotrader's method of autologin to recover from outages. When testing an outage I ran into the dual session issue. Found out when the EA's were doubling orders, but that's what demo is for.

Here is a tip I found that may help. To resolve the dual session issue I have configured my saved RDP icon to always connect to the console session, instead of using a command line method. By connecting to the console it keeps things simple rather than dealing with 2 sessions.


Ever wanted to connect to the console session of a Win2k3 box via RDP? With XP, this is the default behavior, because only one interactive user can be logged in at a time. But 2k3 allows multiple ineractive users (and even the same user multiple times), so connecting via RDP and logging in as the console user just creates a new session and leaves the console alone.

Here's a trick to let you remotely connect to the console session:

1. Start mstsc.exe and enter the settings for the computer you want to connect to

2. Save this connection to a file like "foo.rdp"

3. Open this file in Notepad (it's just a text file anyhow)

4. Add a line to the file that says "connect to console:i:1" (no quotes)

5. Save the changes

I've had no problems at all using Symantec's pcAnywhere program. The Remote (where MetaTrader is running) is a host. You log into it and you can do anything over the Internet. I ran it for months at my daughter's house connected to Time Warner's RoadRunner while controlling it from home using a satellite Internet connection. It ran without a hitch...no monitor, no keyboard, no mouse...just Internet control.


VPS Thread Resurection: Dealing with Build Updates.

Any of you guys having problems with MetaTrader Build Update Pop-Ups - How are you dealing with them on your VPS?

I would like some advice on a VPS provider. How are you guys doing with your providers after these many months? What problems have you had?

Provider shutdowns, patch reboots???

Thanks everyone.

Any of you guys having problems with MetaTrader Build Update Pop-Ups - How are you dealing with them on your VPS?

I would like some advice on a VPS provider. How are you guys doing with your providers after these many months? What problems have you had?

Provider shutdowns, patch reboots???

Thanks everyone.

reboot and program startup problems have been solved....

The best provider and best price is vpsland ....

No downtime until now, and great customer support...



I almost went with VPSLand, but I decided to do a search about complaints:


It appears they have pissed off a few people.

Back to looking for a VPS provider...

+++ On the Gripping Hand....

All VPS providers have pissed off somebody at some time, so you have to think it all the way through as usual.

Currently driving through the webhosting forum, seeing what there is to see about VPS services.

As far as I know you must have a Windows based server... I hear bug complaints about MetaTrader operating in a Linux environment.

Issues include resource overselling, poor tech support, lack of hard and fast specifications are about the Hardware you will be living on (how much ram they guarantee you get; processor speed), and lack of root directory access.

I went looking at GoDaddy because they have cool motorcycles and pretty girls, but this comment concerned me:

"I would avoid GoDaddy for anything but domains. They may have responsible people to setup the hardware, but when it comes to getting support (which is critical to have), you will be talking to 4 different people before you get to a person that can actually help you."

Clearly this appears to be an area that if study it long enough you will find youself right up your own @$$H013.

Stay tuned...