EA on remote servers ? - page 4

Thanks dude, got it working with XYNTService on VPS! My MT4 is now running as a service and auto-starting! Now let's see those EA's rock


if you VPS after crash reboot start you MT4 without Login ?

without Login auto-starting ?


//But not on my VPS provider yet

not understand can you explain please


ok thanks



Sorry for the late reply, I waited few days to see if it actually works on VPSLand. And I figured now it doesn't really, I was happy too early



Theres number of ways you can do it depending on:

How much you make a month and how paranoiac you are )

What I mean is:

1. $30-$60 a month(not sure, never used windows version of it) cheapest, slowest, unsafest version: get VPS and do what guys been talking about before.

2. $100-$300 a month (that is what I am using fasthosts.co.uk for my web server)- middle expensive, safe version: get normal dedicated server: Hard Drive at least 20GB (x2 - synchronizing the hard drive would be good), Ram at least 512(preferably 1gig+).. any latest processor will do.. You can save money on Traffic... most of the providers making money on web traffic.. you will not be using much (about 1-3gig a month) because your web site will not be visited by 200.000 visitors a week it only YOU who going to access it.

+ make sure it is firewalled (usually all of them do)

+ install antivirus -doesn't cost much but must have! as you will be installing programs such as MT4 and some news software or who knows what you will need.

+ make sure all of your services are switch off such as ftp,SMTP, web and such..... you only going to be using REMOTE CONTROLL.... can use standard Windows or RADMIN is also good.

3. 300+ (+startup investment) - Many big server providers provide collocation plan which is: your server inside their network.

a)You buy a server yourself (go for the best: IBM.com - most reliable! or dell.com) Locker in front and back would be grate (only need access for Power, restart button and access for network cards.) Excellent if you find locker on usb, graphic and all the rest input/outputs of your computer.

b) Install most STABLE operating system (I would say windows 2003 server (do not get advance version as it OS more complicated tools which you will not need) - but get advise from hosting providers).

c) make sure that collocation provider is good and has at least 3 connections to outside world and secure building

c) Make agreement with collocation provider and install the servers in their specially adapted (cooled + power cut protected + secure....) data center



Installation is very simple!

Install same as your own computer. if you are sure that nobody will get physical access to your server than switch off login in password and add your mt4 link to STARTUP directory.

If you are not sure about physical access to your server, than you can easily find and install software that will send you sms/email/fax when your server been restarted... or if you are offline/not responding than can use no-ip.com to monitor your server's IP.

BUT I would say that you shouldn't worry about it to mush as windows this days is very reliable and f.e. my server runs for several month without restarting it and even when I do it is windows update

and take in consideration that it is very loaded as it runs database software, login, 15 web sites with total code runs over 250.000 a day...

If you have any problems or questions let me know!


Okay - so has anyone actually solved how to get MetaTrader to reload under a Windows VPS if it is restarted?

I have been running MT on my Linux VPS just fine, although trades are funny (no intrabar for some reason). I need to see if a Windows provider does any better.


hello :

i want to ask you , what is the process of installing the Meta trader on a Linux server , and how to make the EA Run always for the Whole year , withoutany interfere from my side ?

thanks .

Hello, VPSLand has no problem. The only problem is "Virtuozzo" software version. All windows VPS providers using virtuozzo. And it can not give session0/console access yet. Curently I do not watch MT4's, because of virtuozzo limitation. But MT4's are automatically starting. Waiting virtuozzo SP1 fix... This will be same for all windows+virtuozzo VPS providers.

Have you or anyone using VPSLand solved this problem for the metatrader autostart after system restart?...


kind of trolling in but how much is RAM immportant. Can you run 20-30 EAs on 512 or you need more? is daraknor runnig hosting service? i might go to vpsland if he is not....


maybe is this a solution...

Soln3: (aka eureka last night!!)

Instead of doing all of the above (and ive done them all, I wish someone had told me earlier)

Have the computer to AUTO LOGIN on restart!!!

This way, you put all the progs you need in startup folder (or make a batchfile) and MT4 will run on any server restarts, intentional or unintentional. you dont have to login!!.

Auto Login, Here's how:

1.Click Start, click Run, and type control userpasswords2.

2.Clear the Users must enter a username and password to use this computer check box.

3.Click Apply.

4.Enter the user name and password you wish to automatically log on with, and then click OK.

5.Click OK again and you're all done.

Prob: Your server can now be accessed by anyone who walks by your computer...


Make a shortcut to lock your compute and place it in the startup folder along with your MT4 shortcuts!!

Heres how:

Right click an empty area of your folder, choose New/Shortcut and enter this line as the command line:

rundll32.exe user32.dll, LockWorkStation

Voila, computer locked and running all your EAs everytime...

I hope this helps anyone who needs it, i struggled through these steps....

I will post any issues if I come accross them.


thanks to fxautotrader

RAM suggestions, anybody?