Using database connection in MQ


Did anybody make it already? Because I'm planning to do that via DLL (

Please provide some code if so. It would be much help for me.


Did anybody make it already? Because I'm planning to do that via DLL (

Please provide some code if so. It would be much help for me.


What's the kind of the database you want to use?

Or, How much the data you want to store/retrieve?

I think I can help!


I guess it'll be MySQL or PostgreSQL or even Oracle. Will know after specification of the whole system will be finished.

Have you lunched one of these? Or you just want to help me to make it work?

I guess it'll be MySQL or PostgreSQL or even Oracle. Will know after specification of the whole system will be finished. Have you lunched one of these? Or you just want to help me to make it work?

I just wanted to help and asked to know how much data you want to use.

If it's a small data I think Text Based database will not need more the File Handling function (posted here in the forum).

But if you want to use MySQl and the users here think it's good to use MySql database with MT4 I can code a dll for that.

But if you want to use MySQl and the users here think it's good to use MySql database with MT4 I can code a dll for that.

Yes I want and of coz I'm the first user who think it's great idea!

I think that MySQL is most commonly used DB system so seriously its good idea to make it work with our truelly loved MT4

If you could make it that would be just fantastic. For me it would be huge time bonus to make my system even more better


i posted some code here