Multi account



Is it possible to trade on 10 different accounts at the same time with only one MT4 platform open(with an EA)?




Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you can't do that. Only one account on one MT4 platform. The only solution is to have 10 MT4 install on 10 different folders. Hope this help



I think in real money account, you can do it by control account and allocation method, which is available wiht IBFX.vom


I think you could do that with ibfx


Hi, I think smeden asked if he could have 10 different account with diffferent EA attached to each account on one MT4 platform. IMHO you could control 10 account with Money Manager, but surely can't have different EA on each account. I could be wrong though

Hi, I think smeden asked if he could have 10 different account with diffferent EA attached to each account on one MT4 platform. IMHO you could control 10 account with Money Manager, but surely can't have different EA on each account. I could be wrong though

I wanted to run the same EA on 10 different accounts without having to open 10 MT4.

It is because it is a semi automatic EA, I only turn is on when "I hope" it is the right time.

So it would be easier to use only 1 MT4 has the MAM tool from - Forex & CFD trading tools for the metatrader trading platform running. They are the whole sale company for US.

But they demand 250k balance for the total of all subaccounts with their instituional feed.

The software however is a dream....



This system names Multi terminal, it was writing especially for MT4.


About managing multiple MT4 instances with different EAs, this link might help:


It's a third party software that runs up to 20 instances.


Multi Platform

Hello Traders.

I just whant to know if is possible to run multi platform on 2 differents brokers.

One on MIG and the other on FXDD exemple..?



Multiple brokers with one EA

I know it is a bit late, but for those who still are wondering I have found this:

Metatrader Software | Metatrader Tools

It is called METATRADER COPYTOOL and costs some money.... It can handle EA's for multiple accounts on different brokers. There is a comparison list with the MetaTrader Multiterminal.

Earlier I found another one, but can't find the link for the moment. If I find it I will post that too.
