CatFX50 Indicators - page 4


aNINA & aHist_StepMA_Stoch_KV1_Ex_02.



Originally Posted by deepdrunk

sorry for last post, my anina ind. was bad version now it works with 9000 bars


I am having same problem. How did you get it to work?

1) Hist_StepMA_Stoch_KV1_Ex_02. Set at 2000 bars

When I put this on the chart, name shows as "max bars to count". Is it same?

If it is, when I change count from 500 (default) to 2000, my histogram dissappeared. None of the numbers work other than 500.

2) aNina. Set at 9000 bars.

This, I don't even see the area where you change the number to 9000 bars.

Can someone help?

If you have correct version of files (incase my files are corrupted), could you post that file here?


You have to scroll back the chart until you have over 2000 bars loaded, then it will show.


I have my chart setup to show 25000 bars. Still doesn't work.

Data back show back to beginning of 2005. This is 16 month of data and still doesn't work. Also, my #2 questions. any idea why this option isn't available?

I don't want to be a pain in the backside, but would like to have the correct chart and setting, so I can test them out.



2) aNina. Set at 9000 bars.

This, I don't even see the area where you change the number to 9000 bars.

Can someone help?

The parameter is called "cbars"



aNina. Set at 9000 bars

The parameter is called "cbars" moneyline


Thank you!!!

After I changed this setting, my chart looks a lot better and it makes sense now. * Less whipsaw signal given *


More Indicators? I am confused.


CatFX50 only needs two indicators. They are mandatory if, of course, you want to trade this system according to its original rules.

Main tools:



Hist_StepMA_Stoch_KV1_Ex_02. Set at 2000 bars

aNina. Set at 9000 bars.

Fibo Pivots


MAX Moving Average. Set at 2000 bars. Color tab: Red, Yellow, Red, Yellow.


HMA_Russian_Color. Set at 21 - 3 - 0.

I want to say thank you for the tools to:




You can plot whatever you like on charts, but with all above tools you have enough.

Thank you



Maybe because I didn't read all 300 pages of prev. thread on CATFX50, so don't understand how to use all these indicators together before entering & exiting the positions. (I am reading a few pages per day, so I can catch up with my reading). More indicators that you add to this system, the more conflict signals I am getting.

Could you explain how to use 'additional' indicators that you mentioned?


Nina signal to go short, Max bar red, price turned down below 50EMA, yet, StepChoppy is blue.

And, I don't know how to read StepMA or HMA_Russian_Color. (I have some idea how these indicators works by itself by looking at the indicators, but I don't know how I supposed to trade NINA system along with StepMA or HMA_Russian_Color.)

If you are kind enough to give me short lesson on these indicator and how to trade based on all these indicators together, I would appreciated it very much. I am nota new to 'trading', but I am having a hard time understanding how all these indicators work together to make my decisions. When you have all these indicators on your chart, it is far from 'keep it simple' strategy. If I have clear understanding of how these indicators work together, then, I can choose which indicators work best for me.



Hi Hsr2000,

Maybe you should start with the latest CatFX50 and take it from there.

Here is a template that includes instructions and all the needed files to run the latest, basic CatFX50.

Once you see how it works, you might want to do some changes of your own.

All the info is included in the zip archive and there are no settings to change.

Once you follow the included instructions, go to MT4 and click on "Load Template" and choose



PS: It doesn't include an EMA 120 and you can easily get it later on.

Files:  14 kb

CatFX50 Basic

Hi Hsr2000,

Maybe you should start with the latest CatFX50 and take it from there.

Here is a template that includes instructions and all the needed files to run the latest, basic CatFX50.

Once you see how it works, you might want to do some changes of your own.

All the info is included in the zip archive and there are no settings to change.

Once you follow the included instructions, go to MT4 and click on "Load Template" and choose



PS: It doesn't include an EMA 120 and you can easily get it later on.

Hi Moneyline:

I thank you very much for your quick respond to my problem and I really do appreciate it.

However, I maybe didn't express my problem clearly in my previous thread. My problem isn't the missing indicators or how to put them on my chart, etc.. I have all that now.

I was following the system without too much problem UNTIL someone start adding more 'optional' indicators to this system. At the beginning, it started very simple strategy. When we start adding more indicators, we are getting conflict messages. We are here is to discuss 'how to avoid all possible way to avoid false signals and that's the reason may of you come up with different indicators to filter out whipsaws, etc.. I understand that too.

But, when this 'added' indicators give out conflict signal from original (in this case, Nina system), I am questioning if I don't know how to use this correctly.

I understand that it's optional and I do have a choice not to use it on my chart. We all like to have a way to avoid getting into a position without getting whipsaw if possible. If adding an indicator to spot this problem a head of the game, it's great thing. I am always open to new indicators to try out.

Only thing missing here is someone actually explains 'how to' use new added indicators help us avoid whipsaws...

Anyway, this isn't to start an argument or disagree to add any new indicators. Thank God for those of you who can program/code and share with the rest of us. Always appreciate it.

To explain what I am going with this long explaination, I attached my screen shot where you see Nina's indicators starting to show red and getting stronger, yet Step Choppy still shows mainly blue.

-- Question is, is added indicator, such as StepChoppy' is helping us from getting whipsaw? If it is, how do you read this indicator?

gbpusd.gif  19 kb

Hi Hsr2000,

I am questioning if I don't know how to use this correctly.

The very same thing happened to me when I first started reading about all the indicators and systems, I know how you feel! My solution was to read everything until I started getting my own viewpoint on the matter. Many of the "old timers" here at this forum will agree that it's very important to read and study enough to start to form your own viewpoint.

Once you start to have your own viewpoint, it will lead to you forming your own trading style. It doesn't mean you will know all there is to know about Forex, but more so that you know what's best for you, and what isn't. Believe me, it will go a long way to eliminate some of the confusion!

Many of the other indicators that have been added are nice, but don't take the place of the power of observation.

I noticed your screenshot consisted of a ranging market with no clear direction. That should be your first indication not to trade 'till you have a clearly directional market.

Many things start out simple and then get more complicated, CatFX50 is no exception. I personally like Harold4x's setup, since it does tend to keep you out of bad trades.

BTW, none of the indicators at this forum can be followed blindly. I'm a newbie Forex trader and know it's more important to learn when not to trade, than otherwise.

A couple of examples:

a) I've noticed that at the start of the Forex week the market is weak and looking for I don't trade.

b) Right after a Forex news eventthere will be extreme volatility in the market, followed by a period of ranging and consolidation - all this can happen in the space of half hour - so I also don't trade during those periods.

If it will help, go to post 2884 of the catFX50 thread and you can take a look at a series of graphics I did. Notice I kept it simple?

Hope this helps.


Hi Hsr2000, The very same thing happened to me when I first started reading about all the indicators and systems, moneyline


Thanks you very much. I sure will read those you recommended and will keep read previous thread on CATFX50.

BTW, I would like to take a look at Harold4x that you mentioned.. Could you direct me to this info? Is that a indicator or strategy?


does the 50ema use the close or open or median price,,,,


Thanks you very much. I sure will read those you recommended and will keep read previous thread on CATFX50.

BTW, I would like to take a look at Harold4x that you mentioned.. Could you direct me to this info? Is that a indicator or strategy?

Hi Hsr2000,

Harold4x is one of the forum members and you can search for him on the main CatFx50 thread (not this thread)

Anyhow, he uses a series 3 indicators that work quite well.
