CatFX50 Indicators - page 3



When I place my mouse over the StepChoppy bars they all reference UpTrend and nothing about DownTrend. Is anyone else having this problem?



When I place my mouse over the StepChoppy bars they all reference UpTrend and nothing about DownTrend. Is anyone else having this problem?


Me too. I think it's a little bug.


Hi All,

I just checked and mine seems to be OK.





Igorad, one of the best programmers in town and the father of Step Indicators, has made a bar version of his StepChoppy.

It paints your bars on chart.

Here you are.



This is unbelievably simple, yet advanced strategy.

I am a full time trader. I have been trade stocks and options since 2000 and Forex since 2005 (consider still newby at this).

I stumbled upon this thread last week and still trying 'catch up' on reading, so I understand what's what, etc..

I have a few questions.

1) I am reading CatFX50 thread and there were about 300 pages. Somehow, I rolled into this thread and it seem only 3 pages. Is this continuation of that 300 pages of thread? I noticed this is newer date vs 300 pages of thread was from yr. 2005. Am I guessing it right?

2) Since this thread has been going on so long, there have been so many revised versions of mq4 files, etc..

Anyone kind enough to re-post for newcomers like me, coming to this thread at late stage, an update of most recent indicators that NINA use?

Listing of Indicators and updated mq4 files would be most helpful.

I am looking forward to getting this right, so I can also contribute to this forum. Once I have correct indicators and upto date with everyone else, I can involved with improvement/testing of the system regularily.

Thanks in advance.


This is unbelievably simple, yet advanced strategy.

I am a full time trader. I have been trade stocks and options since 2000 and Forex since 2005 (consider still newby at this).


I am looking forward to getting this right, so I can also contribute to this forum. Once I have correct indicators and upto date with everyone else, I can involved with improvement/testing of the system regularily.

Thanks in advance.

Hi hsr2000,

someone else created that for placement of some indicators. The original thread is from Nina (he's in holiday this week). Come over ...

You find the current indicators over here:



anina problem

hi, can someone help here, when i set anina indicator to 9000 bars as sugested by Nina i got blank indicator sreeen.I set in options max bars to 10000 but it does not help.BTW stepma_stoch work with 9000 bars so i am confused.

Question for Nina :how long are you using those setings for indicators ?

I hope this is not only just one more indicator fiting...

I read the original post, all 300, pages but i can't remember where did you first say to set anina to 9000 bars..



sorry for last post, my anina ind. was bad version now it works with 9000 bars


aNINA & aHist_StepMA_Stoch_KV1_Ex_02.

sorry for last post, my anina ind. was bad version now it works with 9000 bars


I am having same problem. How did you get it to work?

1) Hist_StepMA_Stoch_KV1_Ex_02. Set at 2000 bars

When I put this on the chart, name shows as "max bars to count". Is it same?

If it is, when I change count from 500 (default) to 2000, my histogram dissappeared. None of the numbers work other than 500.

2) aNina. Set at 9000 bars.

This, I don't even see the area where you change the number to 9000 bars.

Can someone help?

If you have correct version of files (incase my files are corrupted), could you post that file here?




Hi hsr2000,

someone else created that for placement of some indicators. The original thread is from Nina (he's in holiday this week). Come over ...

You find the current indicators over here:



I have downloaded and working on it now.


You have to scroll back the chart until you have over 2000 bars loaded, then it will show.