Hello, use this.... - page 17


Thanks Goldensight,

In that case I will always have it set to "false." I think a number of EA's at this forum show lots of promise. However, the day you can just set any EA to work and walk away is very far into the future...if ever!

There are so many Forex circumstances that are not coded into any EA and trading into them is hard. I've noticed many experienced traders avoid the start of the Far East market and concentrate on all of London and half of New York. I guess they seem to think a certain amount of volatility is better than trading into a thin - and uncertain - market.

Some other things EA's can't handle:

a) Financial News events: They can produce very fast spikes, best not to use your EA. Of course, not long after the news event there will be a retracement followed by a period of "flat ranging" till the market finds direction again.

b) Sudden bad news: Conflicts, wars, natural catastrophe, and most any thing (other than a, above) that can affect a country or world area.

All the reasons experienced traders pick certain times to operate should give you an idea as to where and when to use your EA. As can be seen from the above, and depending on conditions, many different strategies come into trading Forex. An EA can be a good servant, but a terrible master!


Hi Moneyline,

I tested pedro 4 and I get rediculous figures . What am I doin wrong. Is there some other thread that I should be looking at. I went to the beginners thread and found nothing.

Many tanks for your reply.



Hi JayJay,

Can you give us more info? Like what platform and so on.




In MT4 I don't understand.

What expert it's the right pedroxxmod.mq4 or DailyTrade.mq4?Thanks


Hi Moneyline,

I tested pedro 4 and I get rediculous figures . What am I doin wrong. Is there some other thread that I should be looking at. I went to the beginners thread and found nothing.

Many tanks for your reply.



That probe that sometimes forwardtest is the best way to probae a system...

Pedro Echenagucia


In MT4 I don't understand.

What expert it's the right pedroxxmod.mq4 or DailyTrade.mq4?Thanks


Hi Coyan,

pedroxxmod.mq4 is for MT4 and seems to do well.

DailyTrade.mq4 was originally for MT3 and I think Firedave

tranlated it for MT4


Hi Coyan,

pedroxxmod.mq4 is for MT4 and seems to do well.

DailyTrade.mq4 was originally for MT3 and I think Firedave

tranlated it for MT4



What's the best?

Stop 30 and take profit 15?


Hello all,

Please reply to post # 150. I would appreciate the respons in one post.

I am new and trying to learn how the MT4 platform works. I have no clue about backtesting/forward testing . Could some one guide me to a reference where I can read. I read the help but too confusing.

Many tanks...jj/.

Hi JayJay,

I've been looking for the definition of "MaxTrades" for many days now and I can't seem to get anybody to just give us some definitions. BTW, if you find out what any of it means, would you post it here for us?



Hi JayJay,

I've been looking for the definition of "MaxTrades" for many days now and I can't seem to get anybody to just give us some definitions. BTW, if you find out what any of it means, would you post it here for us?



Hi moneyline, can you refer me to your post regarding "MaxTrade" ? I will try to help if I can. Hope this help


Hello every one, pedroxxmod result since today. No good result, but i think it is a good expert but need work from me and everyone that want help. best regards

Pedro Echenagucia

Hello every one, pedroxxmod result since today. No good result, but i think it is a good expert but need work from me and everyone that want help. best regards Pedro Echenagucia

Hi pelelel79,

I've been testing pedroxxmod for about 3 days now. I think it does good except for whenever news spikes come on..it doesn't like spikes!

If it could be kept running at any other times it would do good. Stil testing!
