Calling All Masterminds, Programmers, And Coders!!! - page 4

Hi fred give this a go.

Is this a other joke ?

Please, try to understand that the expression

for (i=limit;i>=0;i--) { hhb1 = Highest(NULL,0,MODE_HIGH,dist1,i-dist1/2);

referts to the future ! In real-time, i=0, so i-dist1/2 is negatif : you find highest of bars wich don't exist yet !!!


Hi Michel

I am very new to progaming, so any hints would be great.

Firstly I can see where fred is coming from, an indicator that seems usless on its own may work very well in cojunction with others, as a filter or confimation. Zig Zag and the float indicators work in a similar way to the super signals but used with other indicators can be useful.

If I were to change code to:

extern int dista=14

extern int distb=21


hhb1 = Highest(NULL,0,MODE_HIGH,dista,i-dista/2);

is this correct and would it save confusion.


Hi Image3022,

No, two bad indicators cann't never give you a good indication, it's as simple as two bad clocks cannot give you the right time.

Each bar has a order number, an index if you prefer. The current bar has always index 0; the yesterday's bar has index 1; the bar of the day before yesterday has index 2, and so on...

This is true for all timeframes, but the index are not attached at the bars, they are always changing :

The current bar has index 0, but tomorrow, this bar will have index 1 and the tomorrow's bar will have index 0.

When an indicator scans each bar to compute his value for , there are two things you must take great care of :

- first : the scan must go from past to present, ie " for(i=limit, i>=0, i--) ...", and not from present to past like " for(i=0, i<=limit, i++) ...", This rule isn't always necessary, it depends of what is done in the loop, but it's a good habit to take.

-second : the code in the loop can never use any information it don't know yet, ie informations from bars with index lower than i, the one of the bar he is computing. In other words, you can never use expression containing i minus any positive number.

It's easy to understand : indicators aren't intended to be used to only produce nice screen shots to dream on ! They must work on real-time, ie on the current bar, and all they know then is the past, bars with indexes greater than 0, nothing more !

In the same trick is the use of "Close[0]" (or High[0] and Low[0]) in indicators and experts : in the current bar, the close is never fixed; when the close is fixed, this says the bar is no more the current bar... So in the current bar Close High and Low are informations wich may be false. When you backtest an expert wich is using such information, the backtester will use the fixed, historical, values and his behavior may be extremelly different from the real-time use.

Now, I hope understanding this may help you, but do what you want...

Ciao !


Hi Michel

That makes perfect sence now, thanks for the explanation.


It somehow manages to indicate where possible turning points arise, sooner or later the turn it notices will be a significant top or bottom, it all depends on what size swing you trade, why am I bothering to explain all this......?


I use Fib, Fib exp, Elliott wave counting, CCI, it's useful but I want better, hence my search.


You're laughing at people who are telling you that trying to find an indicator to pick tops and bottoms accurately is not going to happen, in other words, something mechanical, but everything you point to above in your trading model is subjective and discretionary. The only thing that may be mechanical is how you use CCI. Everything else is based on your discretion.

Now, at least this is the way it sounds, you want to throw out your discretionary methods for a mechanical indicator that will pick your tops and bottoms. To me, that's funny. And, it ain't gonna happen.

Whether you use 1, 2, 3 or more indicators to confirm tops and bottoms, if you don't use some discretion, in the long run, you'll lose.

I'm not meaning to sound rude, and if I'm misunderstanding you, please explain what you're after. It sounds like you are an experienced trader and that you have a discretionary model that you follow successfully, but it also sounds like you want to change that and I don't understand why.

Well, that's about it for now.



While this "indicator" IS visually deceptive, it DOES contain information.

The question is, how will you USE that information?

The history of scientific discovery is a litany of the names of people who were able to find a USEFUL USE for information that others ignored, ridiculed or discarded.

And history is littered with the (mostly unknown) names of people who glanced at a thing, thought of the most obvious few possibilities, formed a quick opinion and moved on...

As it happens, a fellow by the name of Richard Donchian found an interesting use for the highest highs / lowest lows at a higher timeframe... (tho his indicator WAS looking backwards in time, not forward )

Do we know for sure that a projection of an Ehlers Predictive Moving Average of the high points, minus one ATR, wouldn't make a real good place to exit long positions? Can't say; haven't tried it.

Has anybody tested using four fifths of the average width as a boundary for MakeGrid192 with the MT4 optimizer?

Heck, does MT4 even have a believable functional optimizer to test it with?

Maybe the information has value beyond calling highs and lows.

Who among us really KNOWS if the slope or acceleration of a Zerolag Moving Average of the highs and lows that this indicator identifies on daily bars is better than weekly data in TSD, until we try it?

Has anybody tried building a Fisher Transform out of the (high + low points)/2 ?

- - -

Maybe there is a "useful use" for it, maybe not.

I'll respectfully submit that a quick glance and dismissal based on the obvious common methods may not be the best way to find out.

- - -

Crescit sub pondere virtus.


please improve the supersignal, basically i have been using it for just one month and i discover that it needs other indicators to filter out false low or high, i combine stochastic, float. sometimes the supersignal gave right direction than stochastic. have not try rsi yet though. so pls do not give up of this indicator.

This is gonna sound confrontational, but, it ain't gonna happen. Period!

The only way to trade tops and bottoms is to Trade them, and most Traders will tell you not to even bother. Just try to pull something out of the middle. You can't Follow an indicator and have it accurately pick the tops and bottoms. It's the same way that you can't Follow an indicator that accurately identifies trend vs. chop. They don't exist and never will.

What you're asking for is what EVERYONE that has EVER traded has been asking themselves: how do you accurately identify tops and bottoms (or trends vs. chop). There is only ONE way to accurately pick tops and bottoms....

I should probably charge for this as I could get a lot of money for this secret, but I like this forum, so here goes...

To accurately pick tops and bottoms all you have to do is look at last weeks charts and I guarantee you, you'll see all the tops and bottoms on whatever time frame you want.

Sorry for the joke, but I just couldn't resist.... Being serious, though, learn to TRADE. Stop looking for the magic indicator. It doesn't exist.

Just my 2 pips,


I have to agree here. One indicator can never achieve this. It simply cannot exist.

Anyway, whatever happen to simple straight line analysis?

Good Trading,



Super Signal

Anyone know where to get the indicator "Super Signal", it throws arrows on buy and sell, green for buy, red for sell, much better than Altr.Trend and BrainTrend.

The last time I did backtesting on it, it averaged 94pips within the first 4 hours on eur/usd and 86 on GP.

Please if you know it, reply.

Its not on any of the metatrader sites i've checked.


Anyone know where to get the indicator "Super Signal", it throws arrows on buy and sell, green for buy, red for sell, much better than Altr.Trend and BrainTrend.

The last time I did backtesting on it, it averaged 94pips within the first 4 hours on eur/usd and 86 on GP.

Please if you know it, reply.

Its not on any of the metatrader sites i've checked.


Because it's garbage, was created as a 'joke', reads future bars, doesn't work etc. etc, etc.........

This one just will not die