Derivative Oscillator - page 5


Thank you

Hi mladen,

Thank you for your time.

Your work is very much appreciated.

Such a long time since last post at this thread. Pity, since it is not a bad indicator ...

Here is a renewed version with some additional options and a bit easier to read histogram display.

PS: default used by this indicator for first smoothing (EmaSmoothing1) is 15 (not 5). If someone is after faster signals, then 5 should be used (as in this example : the same symbol and period as above, just the EmaSmoothing1 set to 5)

as usual, thank you mladen...


Indicator Derivative oscillator

It seems like this indicator is different than indicators posted in this thread !



Please can you kindly create a HISTOGRAM VERSION of this indicator as you did to the Derivative Oscillator, MANY THANKS in advance.

HELLO MLADEN, Please can you kindly create a HISTOGRAM VERSION of this indicator as you did to the Derivative Oscillator, MANY THANKS in advance.

Hi Winner , Secret,

This indicator is not Derivative ,but Momentum .

You can get many kind of Monentum Histo on this forum.


derivative.png  40 kb
Hi Winner , Secret,

This indicator is not Derivative ,but Momentum .

You can get many kind of Monentum Histo on this forum.


Thanks Sohocool for your kind information

Found this indicator with name of 'Derivative' so convinced it is it !




THANKS Sohocool for the info,its well appreciated.


someone have the derivative oscillator in a mtf version and where I could change de periods of the 3 emas?

I really need it.

Kelch Monteiro:
someone have the derivative oscillator in a mtf version and where I could change de periods of the 3 emas? I really need it.

Kelch Monteiro, try here


Derivative Oscillator - one more version


derosc.mq4  3 kb
derosc_mql.png  70 kb