MT4 DDE with perl


Hi to all,

I tried to make a DDE Client in perl, but I cant get any data from MT4.

I would like to know waht is wrong with this code in perl:

use strict;

use Win32:DE::Client;

my $Client = new Win32:DE::Client('MT4', 'BID');

die "Unable to initiate conversation" if $Client->Error;

my $group= $Client->Request('EURUSD');

print "$group\n";


Thank you.



dde with perl

I tried it too, and it wont work for me. I ask the mql4 group but with no luck.

what i did i took the data from Yahoo. For now I see that I dont need it at all, I am doing everything inside the tool.


If you have Microsoft Excel, put a DDE link in a spreadsheet and then use WIN32::OLE from Perl to get the spreadsheet cell contents.

Perl never has been good with DDE. That module is very old and unsupported (not even on CPAN any more).


Thanks for your replay

But, I need to send the data to the Metastock, not to a spredsheet, that is why I asking if someone know why my code s not working.

Thanks to all.
