Mql2Mq4 Conversion Tool Beta V0.2


Hello all ,

sorry for the lack of news, but my free time to code this tool was short.

Here Mql2Mq4 Beta version 0.2 to correct a bug on application loading. Sorry for this, more over have add an Exception Handler, so if bugs occured you can send me the generated file "Errors.txt" on my forum. Thanks.

User notes to convert Mql file with Mql2Mq4 Tool:

- Load Mql File (use Button)

- Convert it (use Button)

- Compile it (use Button but it's automatic)

- If errors are detected you can use the button 'Try to correct compilation errors' to correct them.

- After what, you can save the result in Mq4 File.

- And finally you have to specify the good values for: Lots, Stop Loss and other common variables.

Download Link

Don't hesitate to report bugs and suggestions on my forum, but keep in mind that it's the first version and a lots of function like (SetIndexValue, GetIndexValue, ...) are not converting yet. If you know how to convert them in Mq4 language, tell me.




Hello yousky,

Very Good Work. I will try . THX


Sorry for the copy of this message. But it seems that a lots of people don't have seen it before (like you BrunoFx) that I have already post a message here that tool

So I've duplicated it here.



Oui effectivement....Yes indeed....

Hello all ,

sorry for the lack of news, but my free time to code this tool was short.

Here Mql2Mq4 Beta version 0.2 to correct a bug on application loading. Sorry for this, more over have add an Exception Handler, so if bugs occured you can send me the generated file "Errors.txt" on my forum. Thanks.

User notes to convert Mql file with Mql2Mq4 Tool:

- Load Mql File (use Button)

- Convert it (use Button)

- Compile it (use Button but it's automatic)

- If errors are detected you can use the button 'Try to correct compilation errors' to correct them.

- After what, you can save the result in Mq4 File.

- And finally you have to specify the good values for: Lots, Stop Loss and other common variables.

Download Link

Don't hesitate to report bugs and suggestions on my forum, but keep in mind that it's the first version and a lots of function like (SetIndexValue, GetIndexValue, ...) are not converting yet. If you know how to convert them in Mq4 language, tell me.



Can not load/install this version as well. Error. I have windows 2000.

Can not load/install this version as well. Error. I have windows 2000.

me too, and i've windows XP


I don't understand why !!!!! Arggggg It works great on Windows XP and Windows 2000 for my friends :-(.

Very strange problem.

Can you see please your Event Dairy (Journal d'evenement ou Observateur d'evenement) of Windows and look if there is an error according to Mql2Mq4 ?

And can you test these different versions to see if one of them works ?

Thanks, for your help, and appologize.

Hope it will works for you one day lol


Big thanks beerhunter You have find the problem lol.

The Date format is not the same on French windows and english one lol.

I correct ir NOW and post a new version in 30 minutes.

To wait you can view screenshoots of my tool here

Ciao ciao


Hi yousky,

this is the error message when I start Mql2Mq4 form

9.3.2006 23:41:01 Exception EConvertError occured at address 00408504

Message: '28/03/2006' n'est pas une date correcte

Call stack:























But, it works. It converts mql to mq4. When I converted MACD.mql I got some error messages (see image)



and here is the image:

mql2mq4.gif  30 kb

Here the new version one without this bug I hope.

For beerhunter and other users like mention in the version informations, I've not converting all functions from MQL2 because like SetIndexValue, GetIndexValue, ... I don't know how to convert them in MQL4 ???

If some one know the good MQL4 code for those functions, give me and I will implemente them in next version.
