Usd Index - page 3


One more version of usd index index-usdx.mq4

usdx.gif  36 kb

Index v7 index-v7.mq4

index_7.gif  27 kb
index-v7.mq4  17 kb

USD index version 7 index-v7.mq4

index-v7.mq4  17 kb

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I am not sure how USDX can be traded

I am not sure how USDX can be traded

Check this :

Maybe helps

I am not sure how USDX can be traded

Check this :

Maybe helps

Ray Cooper:
In order to our trading capability we the traders choose our trading currencies in this market place. Generally, at all times I am very much dependable on EURUSD. Due to having its slow motion, I for all time use this trading pair. And, I am able to make profit by using this trading pair until the end of time.

What about the USDX?