Harmonic Trading - page 341


yes, any name

i do it but it search henry yet????!!!!

and i have another question: i want to know what can i set EXACT percent for search pattern because pattern had searched were not equal with percent that i input???

in pic i set for xb =78.6 but zup find it with xb = 50% ?????!!!!! witch part of zup must set to do not have this mistake??

please guide me poruchik

please guide me poruchik

I thought there was a list below custompattern where you can put your own values in??? What so complex about it?

I thought there was a list below custompattern where you can put your own values in??? What so complex about it?

Your right it shouldn't be complex, you should be able to fill in the list of values and away you go, but this does not seem to be the case you have to also make some changes to the code, which includes giving your pattern search values a name.

I have tried doing it by changing the default name of Henry to something else e.g. TOM and it did not work.

If the user input values need a name then a parameter asking for a name would be better than having to mess about with the code, I have not been able to get Custom Pattern to work, have you been able to get it to work and if so please tell me which version of ZUP worked for you.


RT, try filtrEquilibrium = true;

RT, try filtrEquilibrium = true;

Hi Poruchik,

Thanks I have tried filtrEquilibrium = truebut still not work.

Based on what you told me yesterday I have got ZUP v135 ALL HL 113 to just display Henry patterns (they are the default ratios in ZUP v135 ALL HL 113) but I cannot get ZUP v135 ALL HL 113 to display any other user defined Custom Pattern.

So I cut and paste the Henry values from the code of ZUP v135 ALL HL 113 to ZUP v135 ALL and also input the values of Henry into ZUP v135 ALL under Custon Patterns, to see if I could get ZUP v135 ALL to replicate ZUP v135 ALL HL 113 and display the Henry pattern, but it does not work.

I have no idea why the Custom Pattern parameters do not work for me.




I said before there is bug in 135 all, go back to 135, or back past 100 if they still have custom option,

I didn't use custom pattern, it is fucked up since 120



give at first

that you want to see



sorry if my Henry Pattern do problems...ehehehe.....but I know Poruchik will solve them!

Excuse me Poruchik,how can change black point lines in QTA? ..please see image....

I tried to change color in EXTNUMBER PEAKCOLOR from black to other color but it does not change.



section 2

ExtObjectColor=None (black)