Harmonic Trading - page 340

Robot Trader:
Loaded 113 set custom pattern = 2, but still get all patterns on chart (not touched anyother parameter), not found a ZUP yet where custom pattern works

i find that problem

you must change name in

string vCustom = "Henry"; to string vCustom = "Butterfly 113";


custom pattern =1 find custom pattern and others

i find that problem

you must change name in

string vCustom = "Henry"; to string vCustom = "Butterfly 113";

Thanks for your reply, when you say change String vCustom are you referring to making a code change?

Also not sure we are talking about the same thing, when Custom Pattern = 2 then ZUP should only display user defined custom patterns, in this case the custom pattern is the Henry pattern, but ZUP is ignoring parameter set to 2 and still displaying all patterns and I do not know why

custom pattern =1 find custom pattern and others

yes but what should it do when custom = 2 because it still displays all patterns

Robot Trader:
Thanks for your reply, when you say change String vCustom are you referring to making a code change? Also not sure we are talking about the same thing, when Custom Pattern = 2 then ZUP should only display user defined custom patterns, in this case the custom pattern is the Henry pattern, but ZUP is ignoring parameter set to 2 and still displaying all patterns and I do not know why


no i did not make code this code is exist in zut search it anad only change "henry" to Butterfly 113" i test it and did not have aproblem

hi no i did not make code this code is exist in zut search it anad only change "henry" to Butterfly 113" i test it and did not have aproblem

Sorry that's what I meant you changed the word "Henry" in the code to "Butterfly 113", so this was not a ZUP indicator parameter change, but a code change.

Also when you do that do you change Custom Patterns ratios to "Butterfly 113" and set Custom Pattern = 2, can you get ZUP just to find and display just one type of pattern using Custom Pattern, because I have had no success with this function.

Robot Trader:
Sorry that's what I meant you changed the word "Henry" in the code to "Butterfly 113", so this was not an ZUP indicator parameter change, but a code change. Also when you do that do you change Custom Patterns ratios to "Butterfly 113" and set Custom Pattern = 2, can you get ZUP just to find and display just one type of pattern using Custom Pattern, because I have had no success with this function.

yes friend,

1-Custom Pattern = 2

2-change custom pattern percent for b 113

3- change string vCustom = "Henry"; to string vCustom = "Butterfly 113";

4 compile zup and enjoy of this pattern


RT, use original ZUP 135 by nen

custom pattern=2

dragon., 4-p. cont., 5-0, AB=CD= false

yes friend,

1-Custom Pattern = 2

2-change custom pattern percent for b 113

3- change string vCustom = "Henry"; to string vCustom = "Butterfly 113";

4 compile zup and enjoy of this pattern

Thanks my freind but Porvchik gave me the answer I was looking for in post 3400 (above) I need to set other patterns to false

RT, use original ZUP 135 by nen

custom pattern=2

dragon., 4-p. cont., 5-0, AB=CD= false

Poruchik Thanks I though setting Custom pattern = 2 overruled all other parameter settings, but now that I change all named custom patterns to false it only shows Henry, if I change the Henry ratios to my own custom pattern ratios will ZUP search for them or do I have to change the name Henry in the code and if so what to can I give my pattern any name?