Harmonic Trading - page 281


Hi Poruchik, which zup version show when xAB develop?


What is xAB ?

What is xAB ?

Step to develop basic pattern xABCD. When the pattern start to form then indicator show alert.



ghg.png  46 kb

Hi Kamyar... I would try the harmonic indicator, but in your post so many version that indicators. Which one that must I use?

Thank You



i download all of parameters for dml my picture is here

but is more different than your pic can you help me how can i upgrade my indicator or template and i'm very interested about this small window in the bottom of your window many thanks for your help....

111.jpg  413 kb


Dear poruchik;

i'm so sorry about repeat my question because as you know all of them is only description,i want to send you message here but it's not allowed for me!(loool) i thought this picture is in your fibo's forum! ok i change my question if i join the club (here or fibo pls tell me which one) can i get for example Zup 90 mod.Dml with its parameters or not my email:melica_mp@yahoo.com thanks have a great trade ...


Try it

need mod colours every zup

dml.zip  744 kb

mannnnnny thanks

Try it need mod colours every zup

)))))))))))) you are the best many many thanks ))))))))) Xx