Harmonic Trading - page 147


move stop on USDCHF to 1.2775, it made a high so far of 1.2747


move stop on EURUSD to 1.2477


move stop on EURUSD to 1.2450, USDCHF to 1.2785



tell me what are your fundaments of gaining this S/L in this way, someday will be profits or much,much loses...

ziko,please tell me what are your fundaments of gaining this S/L in this way, someday will be profits or much,much loses...

it was obvious they want to run stops around 1.2500 in EUR and around 1.2750 in CHF

USDCHF was up 7 days in a row with 300 pips gain, it went down only yesterday and give only 30 pips of those 300 which means buyers are still holding and not taking any profits testing sellers patience,

I'm setting stop just below the EURUSD july 17th low of 1.2457


thanks, teaching answer. I supose you are experienced trader (i lost today on usdjpy, and it was my first realtrade :> ).

Going back to patterns i can't find any in eurusd and usdchf - old one are nomore valid-that is what i fing, do toy find something, or we should stick to the plan and waiting to reverse? i'm asking becouse i want to make some plus on me profit/loss :>. And the second thing, as i read before now it's to late to open trades (shouldn't for weekend) correct me if i'm wrong.

And pleeeeease give some harmonic clues for your trades, as it's harmonic topic...

thanks, teaching answer. I supose you are experienced trader

I may lose more than u lost, I've to wait and see,

I'm moving stops

on USDJPY to 120.30

on GBPUSd to 1.8485

so currently

EURUSD long @1.2555, stop 1.2450

USDJPY short @119.45, stop 120.30

USDCHF short @1.2685, stop 1.2785

GBPUSD long @1.8585, stop 1.8485

so stops are roughly 100 pips from entry, no more stop move


ok, i still belive in usdjpy becouse pattern still looks good(not counting timeduration) and given entry:119,74 SL 119,97 TP 119,11... am i hazardist? :<<<<<<



i would bancrupt soon with such SL and profit/risk...

ugh, i would bancrupt soon with such SL and profit/risk...

u sholdn't risk more than 5% of your account at any point of time, I'm increasing my risk in these 4 setups to 8% total,

if $ move down I'll close 2 of these trades at breakeven to reduce my risk.

the EURUSD and USDCHF are still valid patterns, if u want to re-enter them then

buy EURUSD @1.2530, stop 1.2480

sell USDCHF @1.2720, stop 1.2770

it is up to u