Harmonic Trading - page 67





i want to say that i personally admir your efforts but i should say all systems have special and exculsive rules.to put it simpley the most shapes that u consider as a pattern is not a tardeable pattern according to the harmonic trading rules we have some restriction and permanent condition.i mean just connecting some highs and lows and calcualting the ratio between them in not HARMONIC TARDING.the situation must be ideal or at leatst near to ideal cases.i do not wnat to spoil your efforts or indicator or something else but i think by this way many newbies that come here will get miss undestanding with these patterns.

we have some key levels and some rules to determine a prz just studing corelation between waves is not harmonic tarding.anyway keep good work maybe i'm wrong.





i want to say that i personally admir your efforts but i sould say all systems have special and exculsive rules.to put it simpley the most shapes that u consider as pattern is not a tardeablepattern.according tp the rule we hame some restriction.i mean just connecting some highs and lows and calcualte the ratio between them in not HARMONIC TARDING.the situation must be ideal or at leatst near to ideal cases.i do not wnat to spoil your effort and indicator otr something else but i think by this way many newbies that come here will get miss undestanding with these patterns.

we have some key levels and some rules to determine a prz just studing corelation between waves is not harmonic tarding.anyway keep good work maybe i'm wrong.


if u look at the indicator I'm using and read my comments in the commercial section u will see that I allow some tolerance to the patterns, the indicator is configerable, a user can set it to follow the pattern calculations strictly or allow the tolerance he wishes, it is configerable.

The patterns I post suits my level of tolerance which other users may not like, also every chart I post have the XD,AC,.... calculations printed on the chart and every one can compare it with https://c.mql5.com/forextsd/forum/111/patterny_gartli_i_pessavento..jpg to see how much tolerance is used in this particular chart

if u look at the indicator I'm using and read my comments in the commercial section u will see that I allow some tolerance to the patterns, the indicator is configerable, a user can set it to follow the pattern calculations strictly or allow the tolerance he wishes, it is configerable. The patterns I post suits my level of tolerance which other users may not like, also every chart I post have the XD,AC,.... calculations printed on the chart and every one can compare it with https://c.mql5.com/forextsd/forum/111/patterny_gartli_i_pessavento..jpg to see how much tolerance is used in this particular chart

hi ziko

as i said i do not wnat to criticise and spoil your work at all i. have just emphasized on some points and then it is up to the trader to decide for his/her own trades.just pointing to some rules.

keep good work


kamyar, on your last chart the red triangle ABC i'm getting the 1.618 extension from price 1.2206 coming in around 1.2364 not the 1.2440 area that you have marked...



i want to say that i personally admir your efforts but i should say all systems have special and exculsive rules.to put it simpley the most shapes that u consider as a pattern is not a tardeable pattern according to the harmonic trading rules we have some restriction and permanent condition.i mean just connecting some highs and lows and calcualting the ratio between them in not HARMONIC TARDING.the situation must be ideal or at leatst near to ideal cases.i do not wnat to spoil your efforts or indicator or something else but i think by this way many newbies that come here will get miss undestanding with these patterns.

we have some key levels and some rules to determine a prz just studing corelation between waves is not harmonic tarding.anyway keep good work maybe i'm wrong.


I only partially agree with you kaymar....ziko has been changing lines many times, specially on the JPY chart, which means he's rushing the entry and definitly get himself stopped manytimes untill one time he may hit it right which is something I critisize as well...he seems a hard worker and I appreciate that a lot...he just need to be more patient. I am not sure if he lack the knowlegde cause I am new myself to the subject. so I can not judge.

I only here cause I have a comment regarding your saying: "i mean just connecting some highs and lows and calcualting the ratio between them in not HARMONIC TARDING"...well isn't Harmonic trading is about connecting the high and lows with certain fib ratios that are inter-changable most of the time?...isn't that what its all about inorder to get a formation so you enter a trade that is still not 100% right, and the formation could be negated even after confirmed by a reversal candles...etc.....well those are my toughts about the harmonic shapes thus far. let me know if I am wrong. I still have a long time to learn this subject anyway.

P.S pls Ziko lower the amount of charts you upload here and only display the confirmed ones

I only partially agree with you kaymar....ziko has been changing lines many times, specially on the JPY chart, which means he's rushing the entry and definitly get himself stopped manytimes untill one time he may hit it right which is something I critisize as well...he seems a hard worker and I appreciate that a lot...he just need to be more patient. I am not sure if he lack the knowlegde cause I am new myself to the subject. so I can not judge.

I only here cause I have a comment regarding your saying: "i mean just connecting some highs and lows and calcualting the ratio between them in not HARMONIC TARDING"...well isn't Harmonic trading is about connecting the high and lows with certain fib ratios that are inter-changable most of the time?...isn't that what its all about inorder to get a formation so you enter a trade that is still not 100% right, and the formation could be negated even after confirmed by a reversal candles...etc.....well those are my toughts about the harmonic shapes thus far. let me know if I am wrong. I still have a long time to learn this subject anyway.

P.S pls Ziko lower the amount of charts you upload here and only display the confirmed ones

well, posting a chart doesn't mean I or you should trade it,

harmonic patterns are about Possible Price Reversal ZONE, u c it is a ZONE not a point, each one including me will use his TA and non TA skills to find when to enter and exit the trade, read "pattern confirmation" chapter in carney's book to understand what I mean, there is no definite set of RULES which confirms price reversal and entry/stop/exit points, every one will come with the rules which suits him, one person can see confirmation in price reversal, another person may not and vise versa

kamyar, on your last chart the red triangle ABC i'm getting the 1.618 extension from price 1.2206 coming in around 1.2364 not the 1.2440 area that you have marked...


that extension is Fischer's method extension . level for a movement.that extension u have calculated is extension of BC.

I only partially agree with you kaymar....ziko has been changing lines many times, specially on the JPY chart, which means he's rushing the entry and definitly get himself stopped manytimes untill one time he may hit it right which is something I critisize as well...he seems a hard worker and I appreciate that a lot...he just need to be more patient. I am not sure if he lack the knowlegde cause I am new myself to the subject. so I can not judge.

I only here cause I have a comment regarding your saying: "i mean just connecting some highs and lows and calcualting the ratio between them in not HARMONIC TARDING"...well isn't Harmonic trading is about connecting the high and lows with certain fib ratios that are inter-changable most of the time?...isn't that what its all about inorder to get a formation so you enter a trade that is still not 100% right, and the formation could be negated even after confirmed by a reversal candles...etc.....well those are my toughts about the harmonic shapes thus far. let me know if I am wrong. I still have a long time to learn this subject anyway.

P.S pls Ziko lower the amount of charts you upload here and only display the confirmed ones


u r right but as i said just calcualting the ratios between price movement is not the entire of harmonic tarding that i have learnt.inthis system we have many tiny important point that make a shape(pattern)tradable.for example we have ideal pattern non-ideal pattern and inavalid setups so all the shapes r not suitable for jumping in a tarde.just drawing a pattern even valid one is not the whole tarding system.most important thing in harmonic trading is the PRZ and the critical levels that make the PRZ,we have many concepts regarding this matter that make the system very sensetive and like a art.concepts like initial PRZ test,TLB,consolidation in the PRZ and so many other points.i hope these clarify my word that i said:

"just conecting some highs and lows is not harmonic tarding."

.it need as u said patient,following the price action in the prz closely and many many other points.....