Harmonic Trading - page 4

Hi, i use 190 build,the last one.

it is done thanks alot man

how long do you use the indicatore?

i want to ask you does it work properly?i'm teting now but i am very eager to know your opinion about the indicator



i don't know if it works properly,i only now finished it.

- but i checked it on multiple timeframes and on multiple currencies and it give good signals - some of them maybe only historical,you can check it with "from" parametr.

- please note it check for full pattern.



i have some questions about the indicatore

1-did u code the indicator?

2-it is very important to know that when the signals(i mean the numbers which show the kind of pattern) appear

did u test it live?

now i'[m testing it on some pairs it seems that the indicator work properly i have been testing yet

if u code the indicator may i inform u about the probable problems to be fixid or any features to be added




i have some questions about the indicatore

1-did u code the indicator?



2-it is very important to know that when the signals(i mean the numbers which show the kind of pattern) appear

did u test it live?

not yet but i know that some signals maybe visible only after some period of time,after they happen - you can see what i mean by playing with "from" parametr in indicator settings - if for example signal accours at 10 Bars set "from=9" and the signals may disappear or may stay.


now i'[m testing it on some pairs it seems that the indicator work properly i have been testing yet

if u code the indicator may i inform u about the probable problems to be fixid or any features to be added

i'm only programmer and don't have the experence you have in price patterns,and i will glad to hear any suggestion you have about this indicator.


you are welcome man u really do a grate job and i want to make the indicator the best with your help and professionality of course

as i said, i keep cheking it.but as the first suggestion

would u plot the lines for patterns(i mean,for example we have a 4 signal on a bar which means BAT pattern,is it possible to draw lines which show that from where the patterns began like zigzag lines but exclusively for the determined pattern)

and would u say me what ratios u use for determining the patterns. i have a table(maybe u saw it!?) which used by HarmonicAnalyzer software and i check all patterns and ratios according to the table manually.it can be grate if u would use those ratios for determining the patts.

i'm not a programmer but u have the ability so whith each other's capabilities we can make a fantastic indicator of course with your talent



usage :


- returns first founded pattern,may overlap.

- if insted "7" used "[0..4]" returns/search only one pattern.

- if insted "7" used "[5..6]" returns targets.

- returns 0..5,if zero not found,otherwise :

1 = "AB=CD"

2 = "Gartley"

3 = "Butterfly"

4 = "Bat"

5 = "Crab"

- CountBars ,number of Bars to calculate.

- from , where to start to calculate - Right to Left.

* for now without source.



Not show signals in my charts.


Hi Shadow

I have checked the indicator on some piars and some time-frames it findes patterns good besides it has some problems too.

the first and most important problem is

in all patterns the point C must be above the point A(for BEARISH ones) and below A(for BULLISH ones) it is mandatory. i noticed that the indiCator fineds some patterns that the condidition is not fulfilled for THEM

take a look at the picS these are some cases, i found some others

be aware that this condition that i said is mandatory otherwise the pattern is not a valid one.

in addition take a look at the patterns pic and just pay attention to the shape and geometry of the patterns(forget the ratios,i gave u the ratios table it is the best setting for patts.)

as a conclousion first fix this most crucial problem THAT I MENTIONED.


thanks for your never-endig efforts.


all11.jpg  139 kb
1_3.gif  24 kb
2_2.gif  22 kb
3.gif  20 kb



changes :

- added text labels for patterns,insted of numbers.

- usage of reference table posted by "kamyar".

- iCustom works on with 0..4 params: iCustom(...,[0..4],shift).

patterns numbers/id are ( 0=BAT,1=CRAB,2=GAR,3=AB,4=BUT).



ok ihave been testing the indicator yet

but i suppose that u forget to code for finding the targets.i mean the rectangular shapes that perevious indicators plot it can makes your job much more fantastic.

for now i found this one i'll check it carefully and i'll talk with u thanks


changes :

- added text labels for patterns,insted of numbers.

- usage of reference table posted by "kamyar".

- iCustom works on with 0..4 params: iCustom(...,[0..4],shift).

patterns numbers/id are ( 0=BAT,1=CRAB,2=GAR,3=AB,4=BUT).


Great Job.

