News from elite subscription - page 21


There is sticky thread in elite section namely

"how to start with elite section"

and post #5 of this thread is about how to cancel.

I am sending PM to you.

My userid is fun123. I am trying to cancel my paid membership to the elite section. I am sending email messages for the last couple of months to the email address, but I am not getting any response. In this time I am getting charged $12.00 per month on my credit card. Please let me know what I need to do. Thanks.

You're an elite member and you've only made 1 post??? And even that was about you complaining not being able to cancel your membership through your ignorance.

Thanks for your 1 post contribution.


I checked: he is not elite member.


If your are an Elite Member...

I am thinking about purchasing an Elite Subscription. Before doing so, I want to solicit recommendations about the Elite Subscription. If you are a member, please PM me your thoughts.

Thanks in advance.


For a tenner a month you're getting loads of info constantly updated by newdigital.

It's worth it in my opinion, plus more experienced posters also post here.

Hi! I have been subscribing to Elite section for several months.

Recently I cannot find the entry point to Elite section.

There used to be an entry link at the top page of Forex TSD.

Today when I looked at the top page, there is :

this is no good for members.

Pls advise where I can log in to Elite section.


Hi pjo,

You are not elite member. May be you unsubscribed by yourself using paypal. Or may be you used egold (egold subscription is not renewable).

Anyway I sent PM to you with same information.


I lost entry point for Elite section

Hi! I have been subscribing to Elite section for several months.

Recently I cannot find the entry point to Elite section.

There used to be an entry link at the top page of Forex TSD.

Today when I looked at the top page, there is :

this is no good for members.

Pls advise where I can log in to Elite section.



can i suscribe from moneybookers?


I have a moneybookers account can i pay elite subscription from it?



No sorry.

Paypal and egold only.


Paymento from moneybookers

Thanks for your soon answer newdigital