News from elite subscription - page 16


Thank you for your reasonable response, but I'm still not sure what the motivation would be to join, appart from the titillating stories of 1000's of pips. I guess what I'm trying to say above is that if such things were true then it all becomes a catch-22. But I guess only time will tell!

What is the ownership structure of a forum like this anyway? I would have thought they had some support from Metaquotes since they use the tradmarked name in the forum name.

I know I'm going to get slammed here, but I find all of this very odd... A. If the EA's were really doing 1000's of pips a month, you would not be charging $12, you would be managing other peoples money.

To be responsible for other people money? It is out of my personality sorry. If I manage the other people money I will not sleep well I can not imagine how the other people are doing it. Because it is too much responsibility.

And I am on the forum 12 - 18 hours a day and simple do not have any time for that.

BTW you are talking about Firebird (1000 pips a month)? I have my opinion about this EA.

If somebody says that some EA is very good or very bad so I have forward testing statements for one year to understand good or not.

Just imagine: siomebody wants to sell some EA in our commecial section based on few months forward testing results only! There are a lot of people selling in commercial section. All of them are not related to our programmers, to coders and some of them did not post even single free post. Right? Right.

But we have EAs in elite section which are profitable for one year forward testing.

Just understand: their commercial EAs with few months forward testing only and our free EAs with one year forward testing. If our EAs are better sometimes? Just a situation you know ... But they are selling ... And we don't know most of them.

B. You seem to be forward testing publically available code, so why bother charging $12?

I understand elite section as sientific-research division of our forum. And not all the codes are publically available. Igorad, Codersguru and many other coders are posting EAs in elite section only sometimes. And I am doing the same sometimes. Every big forum should have public sections and commercial section.

C. Sucking good ideas from the public forums will kill the public forums.

Not true at all. We have 5 public sections:

- CatFx50;

- Brain Systems;

- Ema Cross;

- Harmonic trading;

- Phoenix.

Brain Systems section is my section. Yes I have a section in this forum. That is why I am testng Brainwashing EAs in elite section. And I am planning to post the results of this EA in my public section. It is only which I have on this forum - Brain Systems section.

StepMAExpert EAs: where it was developed by Igorad? In public? No. No even single thread about it in public. No where.

TPE EA: no any public thread. My Scalp_net v1.3 and 1.5: it was developed in elite section. And so on.

And do you know how I am selecting EAs for elite section for testing? You simple do not know anything.

D. Lets face it, if you really found a 'holy grail' EA, would you want to share it with your buddies on the Elite forum, knowing full well that it would eventually be made public and therefore less effective.

It is your threory. I am not thinking about it. We have more than 50 EAs in elite section.

E. The public forum does not seem full of people heaping praise upon the elite section, which you would think would be the case if the presuposition for A was true.

Don't understand sorry.

If Igorad, or Codersguru are making some EAs for elite section only according to their own ideas which were not posted anywhere so what can I do? may I say to them: "post it in public?" They may reply: "Why?" I may answer: "because Craig wants?" They will ask: "who is Craig?" Right? And some other people? And me? I am coding for elite section only sometimes you know ...

Igorad are coding some EAs and posting it:

- in public if it is related to some public ideas or requests;

- in his private yahoo group (membership for money) if it is related to his own ideas. His private yahoo group is nothing with our forum;

- in elite section.

Codersguru is the same.

As to your talking about "rich not rich", "manage the other people's money", "s.cking good ideas" so you are wrong. I do not want to manage the other people's money. And I am not rich. And no one idea was stolen.

Brain System section is my public section. I've never promoted my section. So my last post of this thread are fully related to my public section.

I understand elite section as sientific-research division of our forum:

- all administrators are having free access for elite section;

- 4 or 5 coders and 2 independent testers are having free access for elite section as well;

- some people who created the trading systems inside elite section are having free access as well.

It is fully enough for good development and improvement.

And free access to elite section will be growing.

I may say more: originators of the public sections (or group of people of behalf of them) may create the sections or threads similar with elite section (if they want to develop something in private for example, or for any reason). Without any my participation. Because we have structure like this.

And some good results will be posted on public threads and sections of course. Because no one need it personally to be hidden.

As to your opinion to join elite section or not ... It is your personal sorry.

Don't be aggressive.

The other EA. Forward tested since January 2006. One year forward testing:

M1. EURUSD only.

EURUSD: pips this week 12; pips in total 450.[/CODE]

The other EA. One year forward testing as well.


EURUSD: pips this week 0; pips in total 503.

GBPUSD: pips this week 0; pips in total 390.

[CODE]GoldWarrior02b with timefilter.

EURUSD: pips this week 0; pips in total -66.

GBPUSD: pips this week 0; pips in total 884.

Some other EAs are performing fine as well but were forward tested from 4 till 6 months only so I will continue with them.

But this new EA (NewsTrader_v2) is really interesting: I spent one day for optimizing the settings and backtesting. I will test it since January 2007 (to trade NFP for example).

BTW we have good statistical testing data for this section concerning Brainwashing EAs. I will post Brainwashing results in this public section

Happy New Year to all!


Hi NewDigital,

I'm not being aggressive, if you want to charge people money for something then you have to expect people are going to ask questions like this, so please don't make it about me. I don't see that any of my questions have really been anwered in any concise way, but I kind of expected that would be the case.

I don't want to create a s**tstorm, but I have to call it as I see it, after all it's still a (mostly) public forum. If people are happy with the setup, I'm happy for them, as you say, it's my decision in the end and I think some debate on the subject is a healthy thing.



Hi NewDigital,

I'm not being aggressive, if you want to charge people money for something then you have to expect people are going to ask questions like this, so please don't make it about me. I don't see that any of my questions have really been anwered in any concise way, but I kind of expected that would be the case.

I don't want to create a s**tstorm, but I have to call it as I see it, after all it's still a (mostly) public forum. If people are happy with the setup, I'm happy for them, as you say, it's my decision in the end and I think some debate on the subject is a healthy thing.




Just imagine some people start a forum: programmers, not programmers ...

You do not know many things.

Elite section is helping a lot. A lot. It is a true. It is real true. But it is my true only. Will elite section help you? No idea. That is why I am posting the "news from elite section".

BTW you know what elite section means?

It means "not for everybody".

This forum did not start any commercial subject yet.

Not yet.

Some development can not be done for free you understand.

And I personally as administrator is between "free" and "not free". I should be very flexible.

You do not need to understand it.

You need just to know: it is usefull for you to be elite member or not.

You need to think about yourself.

If you need my assistance or help so fell free.

I will always help if I have time for that.



I'm sorry, I just don't understand some of your post, let's beg to differ for now, certainly I give credit to you and whoever else for setting up this site, it's valuable infomation for any trader.


best ea


whats the most successful ea in your elite section, u must have tested it for over 6 months? How many pips, whats the drawdown?



Elite Section- Member reviews please

Before I sign up for the Ellite section, without any advance knowledge of the material inside, could users post their opinions on whether or not the info and systems are good, poor, excellent?

Thanks in advance!


Unbiased review

I have been an elite member for a couple of months...The EA's I have seen look to be good systems and well thought out strategies.

Newdigital does post test results also...a lot of forward testing is also done.

I personally don't trade EA's but I joined to see/get some ideas to further my own trading skills.

I would recommend joining(a bargain for just $12/month)

Before I sign up for the Ellite section, without any advance knowledge of the material inside, could users post their opinions on whether or not the info and systems are good, poor, excellent? Thanks in advance!

I moved your question to this thread as there are a lot of opinions on this thread. Very different opinions so it may help I think.

And there are some other threads/posts about elite section:

