News from elite subscription - page 14

I sent my details to the admin - since forexts doen not accept emails (by default from users ...I tried to send to him ...see his profile).

Ccould u check with the admin (i sent him my pay pal subscription data) - I shall try again to send u my data personally.


I received one your pm.

You mentioned that you subscribed yesterday.

E-mail means e-mail address which you subscribed from.

Anyway I think it will be ok.

Your Elite supscription will take $12 per month, every month from then on. Why not offer a one payment only lifetime subscription?

Now your website is not all free, this will reduce the amount of free services now, because you will concentrate on your 'private' forum.

Yet again, the poorer people get the short straw.

I have asked for an indicator from MT3 to be made to work on a MT4, I don't know how long this would normally take, but I'm sure it will take longer now, or not get done at all because of your priority is for the Elite section.

People now who visit this site will not share their ideas because of fear of then being taken to the Elite section and not shared for free anymore.

I understand that we all need money to live on, but that's why we have jobs, creating the Elite section is not good for this website, I have seen it before and you will find word will get around that this site now charges and is not free for the good EA's and indicators, a two tier website, like rich and poor where the poor come up with the ideas as they are most creative and the rich take the ideas and get richer, and numbers of visits will fall as a result.

I believe in sharing and traders helping traders for free like Woodies CCI says, he got offered millions of dollars for his CCI patterns to be kept private and turned them down. He still makes good money and also has a lot of respect.

As others here have mentioned, there is a free yahoo group which offers all free EA's and indicators, they will get angry if they find out you have any of their stuff in your private subscription section. You could kill off free sharing of others by starting this private elite section.

Let's be honest now, if you have EA's that are producing 1000 pips per month on real account and as you now like to charge for information, you would want more money than $12 per month.

You are in my opinion not intersted in free sharing anymore, you want others to post on you website for free, but then take their ideas and charge $ to share. That's not fair, and in the long run you will lose out because it's ideas and freedom that create wealth, not subscriptions.

I'm new here, but have great experience in subscription sites, and the free sites are always better.

I hope you change your mind and go back to free for all ideas, before people start keeping their ideas to themselves and start charging just like you.

If the Ea's and indicators in the Elite subscription section were created by the creators of this website and were never on the free sections, then of course you have the right to charge for viewing.

Hi administratos moderators and members,

Fred brings up some very good points for discussion. I agree with Fred's this should be a free thread; charging $12.00 per month makes no sense and may discourage participation. You're right $12.00 is not the end of the world especially considering that you could make this amount in one minute of trading.

However, I feel that this thread fails in the spirit of exchanging ideas in an area where we all have a common interest. We all have different qualities that we can bring to the table but (again in my view) it is hampered by putting a price tag on this excahnge. Inaddition we all have lives to deal with making that more difficult to contribute....but we choose to do this. I have seen ads for commercial EA's (Pedro2) but this takes all the fun out of the discovery process. Frankly, I have learned a lot by the excange of ideas going back and forth.

Trading in Forex is a new adventure for me. I stumbled on this thread and found it interesting. I did benefit from Codesguru excellent MetTrader4 programming course. In addition, as I mentioned above, I learned through reading the threads (it takes long yes) but.....hey Rome wasn't built in one day. I found that the diverse opinons helped me understand this field much better. I don't post much because I am in a stage where I am absorbing opinions and information and learing the Forex WQorld.

Please consider posting freely on the public threads. What ever the out come continue the excellent exchange on the public Forum.


For tose who asked, I googled Yahoo Forex Forums.......this is what I got.


I agree

Hi administratos moderators and members,

Fred brings up some very good points for discussion. I agree with Fred's this should be a free thread; charging $12.00 per month makes no sense and may discourage participation. You're right $12.00 is not the end of the world especially considering that you could make this amount in one minute of trading.

However, I feel that this thread fails in the spirit of exchanging ideas in an area where we all have a common interest. We all have different qualities that we can bring to the table but (again in my view) it is hampered by putting a price tag on this excahnge. Inaddition we all have lives to deal with making that more difficult to contribute....but we choose to do this. I have seen ads for commercial EA's (Pedro2) but this takes all the fun out of the discovery process. Frankly, I have learned a lot by the excange of ideas going back and forth.

Trading in Forex is a new adventure for me. I stumbled on this thread and found it interesting. I did benefit from Codesguru excellent MetTrader4 programming course. In addition, as I mentioned above, I learned through reading the threads (it takes long yes) but.....hey Rome wasn't built in one day. I found that the diverse opinons helped me understand this field much better. I don't post much because I am in a stage where I am absorbing opinions and information and learing the Forex WQorld.

Please consider posting freely on the public threads. What ever the out come continue the excellent exchange on the public Forum.


For tose who asked, I googled Yahoo Forex Forums.......this is what I got.

Yes indeed I agree ....overall this is a good forum , but on the otherhand it is a good money spinner as well...

Considering that many of the ea`s have been stolen/borrowed from else where , such as other forums . Some have had there names changed and that is openly admitted , copyright dosent seem to matter yet on the other hand there are those who are keen to know how to "seal up" the ea so no other individual can re- steal it so they in turn can sell it ..... Crazy it seems but true it is ,and just as well there are those that can de-compile anything for a very reasonable price most I guess honesty is a thing of the past , greed and money prevails .. after all isnt that what FX is about ?

Yet still there is NO EA that has consitantly produced good dollars and low draw downs over a long period trading live .

But be encouraged all, as this is still one of the Better forums .

And ND keep up the good work as you can sure"sell ice cream to eskimo`s" LOL


how to cancel the elite subscrition?


Anyone know how to cancel elite monthly subsciption? It charge the cerdit card every month.

I already messaage "Newdigital" , the admin of this forum.

Hope he will reply me.

Thank You.



Why you want to cancel elite monthly subsciption?



Anyone know how to cancel elite monthly subsciption? It charge the cerdit card every month.

I already messaage "Newdigital" , the admin of this forum.

Hope he will reply me.

Thank You.

I know that I could do that from the elite section. I think it was under: write to us or something like that, but I dont sure. It was in the bottom of the page.


Anyone know how to cancel elite monthly subsciption? It charge the cerdit card every month.

I already messaage "Newdigital" , the admin of this forum.

Hope he will reply me.

Thank You.

There are two ways to cancel a paypal subscription:

- Inside your paypal account you can cancel yourself.

- Writting us.

We have already cancelled your subscription.

Best regards.


any news bout elite?

any news bout elite?

Everything is going on and under control (everything is testing).

We created the first portfolio but I did not post the results yet. Because it is first and I hope that it will be profitable. Second portfolio is almost ready.

Now i am busy creating some scalper: if somebody is lossing deposit because of something he may use this scalper for some period of time to recover the deposit size. It is just an idea. I am doing it during the second day already with no any big success up to now (will test 9th version and hope that it will be ok).


elite subscription

I am starting this thread just to let the members know what is going on in elite subscription section.

Could you please tell me what happens once we have subscribed and paid the subscription?

thank you