News from elite subscription - page 13


Hi forexts, I sent you a PM regarding elite section subscription. Moderators / admins, is it PayPal payment automatically re-new each month ? I'm asking this because today I can't access the section. Can you help me ? Thank you in advance

Hi forexts, I sent you a PM regarding elite section subscription. Moderators / admins, is it PayPal payment automatically re-new each month ? I'm asking this because today I can't access the section. Can you help me ? Thank you in advance

Should be automatically unless you will stop it.

I can not check it.

But i think it may take some hours.

Should be automatically unless you will stop it.

I can not check it.

But i think it may take some hours.

Hi newdigital, thank you very much for the reply. Forexts already reply my PM. So many thanks for both of you


Hi Newdigital

this month ( march ) finished and I want to know how many pips did you and your elite clients gain ?

best regards

Hi Newdigital

this month ( march ) finished and I want to know how many pips did you and your elite clients gain ?

best regards

I am trading on demo.

And I am still counting. It takes a time.

But I want to say that after 3 months testing the situation is much more clear now. I will try to clarify in the next week.


Yes give me result March Performance

Yes give me result March Performance

It was more than 3000 pips in March (total leaders all together).


Paid But But No Access

Hi New Digital,

I paid via pay pal but have note received access to the elite section.

Why have u not upgraded my profile?


Hi New Digital,

I paid via pay pal but have note received access to the elite section.

Why have u not upgraded my profile?


Please send a private message to forexts with your subscription details:

- email address

- method of payment

- date of payment

If you send it to me so I will re-send it to forexts anyway.


I sent my details to the admin - since forexts doen not accept emails (by default from users ...I tried to send to him ...see his profile).

Ccould u check with the admin (i sent him my pay pal subscription data) - I shall try again to send u my data personally.
