Multi Timeframe Indicators - page 776


This is mq4 i opened in meta editor n i can see the code .. or you mean this is code protected ..

or this file is corrupt ..


Hi Rocktheedge,

A decompiled file usually shows the decompiler name at the top...

In this does not show anything at the top...

The second way is to see if it has been "decompiled"...

You will see that all the variable names have been changed to alpha/numbers...and this makes it harder to figure out what's going on in the code...

Here are some samples in the code that indicate that this code has been..."decompiled"...

string gname_156;

int gi_164 = 1;

int gi_168 = 1;

int gi_172 = 1;

double gd_176 = 1.0;

double gd_184 = 1.0;

int gi_192 = -1;

datetime gtime_196;

If you see these kinds of variable names in the code in the can tell it's been decompiled.

Hope this helps,



cosmiclifeform i am new i dont know about coding .. now i got it .. Thanks



Do you know if there is the new builds version of those two indicators?


Do you know if there is the new builds version of those two indicators?


The second one was made compatible here:

The first one couldn't find a compatible version, so made it compatible.


thanks a lot mrtools!


The second one was made compatible here:

The first one couldn't find a compatible version, so made it compatible.

Hi, just curious, what is the calculation of the Simple Bars Indicator based on?

Hi, just curious, what is the calculation of the Simple Bars Indicator based on?

Hi Rplust,

From my understanding of the code the calculation is based on price action, if useClose = true, you are using closing price for the calculations, and if false you are using high and low price for the calculations(buy and sell price). It is using current close greater or less than current open, along with buy and sell price greater or less than higher highs and lower lows.

Hi Rplust, From my understanding of the code the calculation is based on price action, if useClose = true, you are using closing price for the calculations, and if false you are using high and low price for the calculations(buy and sell price). It is using current close greater or less than current open, along with buy and sell price greater or less than higher highs and lower lows.

Thanks a lot, I appreciate your feedback.

Hi Rplust, From my understanding of the code the calculation is based on price action, if useClose = true, you are using closing price for the calculations, and if false you are using high and low price for the calculations(buy and sell price). It is using current close greater or less than current open, along with buy and sell price greater or less than higher highs and lower lows.

It can be turn into histogram version with a zero line like the ergotic indicator?