MQLII to MQL4 conversion and vice versa! - page 2


Just to give you some news, I will have enought time to deposit the first beta version of my MQL conversion tool sorry I promise you that the next week I will do it.

More over I have some questions about the MQLII code.

Can you tell me :

- If there is a difference between the declaration "Variable", "Variables", "Var", "Vars" ?

- How do you know if those declarations are Integer, double, string, boolean, ....

var: MacdCurrent(0),MacdPrevious(0),SignalCurrent(0),SignalPrevious(0);

var: MaCurrent(0),MaPrevious(0);

var: cnt(0);

because this problem of data type variable convertion, I convert all variables to double but after that you must to modify their data type in the converted code to be compiled properly.

If you have idea about that don't hesitate.




First Beta version of Mql2Mq4

Hello all,

sorry for the lack of news, but my free time to code this tool was short.

Here is the first release of Mql2Mq4 Beta version 0.1. It make good job, not all the job .

User notes to convert Mql file with Mql2Mq4 Tool:

- Load Mql File (use Button)

- Convert it (use Button)

- Compile it (use Button but it's automatic)

- If errors are detected you can use the button 'Try to correct compilation errors' to correct them.

- After what, you can save the result in Mq4 File.

- And finally you have to specify the good values for: Lots, Stop Loss and other common variables.

Download Link

Don't hesitate to report bugs and suggestions on my forum, but keep in mind that it's the first version and a lots of function like (SetIndexValue, GetIndexValue, ...) are not converting yet. If you know how to convert them in Mq4 language, tell me.




Hello all,

sorry for the lack of news, but my free time to code this tool was short.

Here Mql2Mq4 Beta version 0.2 to correct a bug on application loading. Sorry for this, more over have add an Exception Handler, so if bugs occured you can send me the generated file "Errors.txt" on my forum. Thanks.

User notes to convert Mql file with Mql2Mq4 Tool:

- Load Mql File (use Button)

- Convert it (use Button)

- Compile it (use Button but it's automatic)

- If errors are detected you can use the button 'Try to correct compilation errors' to correct them.

- After what, you can save the result in Mq4 File.

- And finally you have to specify the good values for: Lots, Stop Loss and other common variables.

Download Link

Don't hesitate to report bugs and suggestions on my forum, but keep in mind that it's the first version and a lots of function like (SetIndexValue, GetIndexValue, ...) are not converting yet. If you know how to convert them in Mq4 language, tell me.



Hello all,

sorry for the lack of news, but my free time to code this tool was short.

Here Mql2Mq4 Beta version 0.2 to correct a bug on application loading. Sorry for this, more over have add an Exception Handler, so if bugs occured you can send me the generated file "Errors.txt" on my forum. Thanks.

User notes to convert Mql file with Mql2Mq4 Tool:

- Load Mql File (use Button)

- Convert it (use Button)

- Compile it (use Button but it's automatic)

- If errors are detected you can use the button 'Try to correct compilation errors' to correct them.

- After what, you can save the result in Mq4 File.

- And finally you have to specify the good values for: Lots, Stop Loss and other common variables.

Download Link

Don't hesitate to report bugs and suggestions on my forum, but keep in mind that it's the first version and a lots of function like (SetIndexValue, GetIndexValue, ...) are not converting yet. If you know how to convert them in Mq4 language, tell me.



Thanks Yousky.

Because I could not install the version 1 (error).


Arfff not very good for the first version if noone can run it lol.

Sorry so for the problem.


Can you tell me if you all of you have problem to run Mql2Mq4 ?

Thanks for your feedbacks !


wheres the site

I think a lot of people (and brokers) still using MT3, they are saying it's more stable version of MetaTrader!!

YES -- I need a Step Stoc in MT3 cause I am using a broker who is still with MT3

Would GREATLY appreciate it if you could point me to where I can get one
