Price Patterns(Gartley,Butterfly,Bat,...) - page 159


(A cypher, A gartley, A shark) mirror= anti (A) - new name


Hi There,

Excuse my ignorance, but what exactly are Anti patterns ?


Mirror=Anti (left-right) -A

110 p. have place for 11 custom patterns

110p. 01 it same 110 with new A patterns

Hi Mike,

I like to draw a line from X through B, and the instrument invaribly does a touch back like in the alt-bat example below.



Hi jtrader,

Many thanks for your tip re line X-B.

In post 1565 SIngle salt waxes lyrical about an indi, but doesn't say which one. Do you have any idea which one he means? There are so many zups out there.




got a Question (interesting one) for poruchik

in the above dig, there is blue right wing and orange left wing

how do you know the trend (near the right) is blue dominate or orange dominate

will this observation render your system obsolete


Great work Poruchik

I also have a question to ZUP_v110_poruchik 01.mq4.

Is it possible to add horizontal blue and orange lines to A_patterns like it's in N(normal) patterns?

Also is it possible to add AB=BC pattern?

Besides when I look at A_shark I think it has diffrent proportions, compare N(normal)_shark?

And last question is it possible to have N and A patterns in one file or like it is now we have to use ZUP_v102 22 CYPHER.mq4 to N_patterns and ZUP_v110_poruchik 01.mq4 to A_patterns?


- x-man check the options, red and yellow lines, been there since many versions

poruchik - this is confusing now! which does all cyphers, gartleys and sharks in one?? 102 22 cypher?

and then for mirrors 102 22 A? ...i already using 110 so can't use those in same chart, but cyphers and shark in 110?



...file ZUP_v110_poruchik 01.mq4

Bullish A Crab, Gold m5

This horizontal orange line, option "CustomPattern" = 4 or 2 under Red Equilibrium and Yellow Reaction

Not work properly.


I do not know XB in shark and cypher

May be it need correct (shark and cypher,A shark and A cypher)

5:0, А 5:0 do not work, sorry

for AB=CD - use ZUP 76-5-0


Hi Poruchik and others,

is interesting idea. I asked about horizontal lines and ab=cd pattern but now I asking about red rectangle. Idea is... it possible to add to all patterns red rectangle base on ab=cd like on image.Pattern can appear when price will be inside rectange or before and rectangle will be future place changing direction, what do you think?
