Price Patterns(Gartley,Butterfly,Bat,...) - page 55




I put "1a korsigmonitor " in tpl


of 3 indicators i put in arhivos expert/indicators

bat it not works

i nide samething more : indicators ??

xxxxxx.jpg  154 kb

Many thanks ab, I will try it again tomorrow.


Hey Newdigital

I keep getting these emails from Casey Stubs from winnersedgetrading (clearly commision here) etc., in regard to the elemental trader and how the David Fray, who he claims are the brains behind it, amongst others you mentioned in your earlier posts, have programmed the elemental and what a great thing it is at $3000 plus. I have repeated your to him that Eugeni Neumoin is the original programmer and that this is pure plagiarism.

Also suggesting he calls in here and read your posts.



2 indi + 1 template

TF: M15,H1,H4,D1

Try on EURUSD, open 4 TF and use template

dsfgt4er.jpg  260 kb

2 indi + 1 template

TF: M15,H1,H4,D1

Try on EURUSD, open 4 TF and use template

Can you advice what to do to correct the error it bring up when I load the korSigMonitor.See the attachment.



I think I need one more indicator, or a "dll" to "libraries" or "include " may be "korHarmonicsSig" or other indicator, see the photo I have 4 charts open in M15, H1, H4, Daily, and not I then appear at all, 2 indicators in expert indicator and TPL unTPL in arhiva

if you can checks in your PC


2016.jpg  256 kb


and this error look at the pictures


2016_1.jpg  227 kb

hi guys,

sorry for all the confusion about korSigMonitor, this never came with proper documentation, but also with proper tests and description of the indi purpose. We did not publish it yet to AMPZONE as it first needs some deeper tests. There are actually 3 different versions of it, depending on the user needs.

korHarmonics 6.7.11 has very minimal changes comparing to 6.7.10, as we did not decide to publish the improvements, due to last legal issues - someone selling korHarmonics on eBay. Welcome to the 21st century ;-(

We have started several new initiatives. We work currently on AMP (Any Market Pattern) indicator where anyone can define his own or tune the sample patterns, acording to his specific needs. With AMP you can basicly define any pattern - multipoints patterns, price and time definitions, drawing modes, colors, bla, bla, bla ...besically whatever you like to trade if you are market geometry trader.

We also decided to build a knowledge base about the patterns, harmonic trading methods, confirmations. Good guys share their experience, so we hope to all learn from each other.

Again, regarding korSigMonitor, I will update you here when a pre-tested version is OUT. As always ideas and comments are welcome.

All the best!



You have mistakes, but not I

yu8iyu.jpg  19 kb
and this error look at the pictures


your korHarmonics do not work because it need Folder "korHarmonics"

\experts\files\korHarmonics\korHarmonics_MinSwingDefaults.txt & korHarmonics_MinSwingDefaults.txt_ver2

see #547

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