Price Patterns(Gartley,Butterfly,Bat,...) - page 4


Hey adrian

maybe this can be and advise make it simpel in the begining. 1. go for a bigger timeframe not below 4 hour chart 2. pick up the trend ( which u must figure) then trade bear or bullish butterflys i like that alot and its very simpel to learn. 3 be patience when u first is in the trade u must believe what u are doing is the right decision or u can mark ur charts with abcds and only buying c in the direction of the trend let me know if u dont understand my method/strategy




hi, hmm yes..i guess so ) but buy at c is not good solution imho )


if we have a clear defined uptrend mark low a and high b inside this area look for abcd formation buy d make and figure extension for where to take profit this area most of times take out b high if it works new higher highs will become D for profit(original area for buy level was at d but will become c when it has taken out the high) this strategy is common in the markets buy dips or sell rallyes anyway wish u all the best



sailor: thanks, it make sence, i will figure out it



That is ZUP 60 from russian trader nen by onix about ZUP (room nen) Gartley Patterns

you can write English, welcome

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That is ZUP 60 from russian trader nen by onix about ZUP (room nen) Gartley Patterns

you can write English, welcome

nen is well-known member of our forum and he is posting on this thread with h updated sometimes and onix forum is well known as well.

Thanks for the links. I updated first post here


sorry second post please delete


Hey guys,

I noticed this pattern forming on the euro$ 4hr chart.

As the price is nearing the 38.2 fibo looks to be a nice a,b=c,d forming. So start looking now for reversal signal and conformation to establish an end to this current Bearish correction to the prevailing Bull trend.

Unless it drops below 38.2 thus breaking below the trend line and establishing the need for deeper correction.


edit: correct me if wrong. Can some one with more experience validate the analysis? I didn't pull measurements, just eyeballing it, as I am still learning this.

The PIPe PIPer:
Barry Standers

created Gartley

This guys site is no longer available. Always had to have expirations on his indicators. Now there no long avail. What an a$$. He should have at least offered them for sale.


edit I have written him 2 weeks ago and no response to this day.

Hey guys,

I noticed this pattern forming on the euro$ 4hr chart.

As the price is nearing the 38.2 fibo looks to be a nice a,b=c,d forming. So start looking now for reversal signal and conformation to establish an end to this current Bearish correction to the prevailing Bull trend.

Unless it drops below 38.2 thus breaking below the trend line and establishing the need for deeper correction.


edit: correct me if wrong. Can some one with more experience validate the analysis? I didn't pull measurements, just eyeballing it, as I am still learning this.

Here it is again on daily chart
