MT4 functionality.


Can anyone explain to me how to establish a live DDE connection betwee MT4 and microsoft excel.

I would like to be able to pull live prices information from MT4 directly into excel.

The syntax for doing this with intellicharts for instance looks like this:


It was really quite simple. I am hoping I can do the same with MT4. Help anyone?

Thanks in advance.


hi jwhite1319

there's an excel file at mt4 directory, usually at C:\Program Files\MetaTrader 4 called DDE-samples.xls. just double click that file it should self explanatory.

oh and don't forget to turn on enable DDE server on MT4 at tools-option-server.

hope this help


Visual basic DDE code

Hi there!

You can give my Visual basic DDE code a look, I think it will be clearer than the Excel file.

You can find it with the source code at this article:

MT4 Monitor - MetaTrader DDE client in Visual Basic



Thanks Guys! This is good.