

FiboPivotandRSI EA.

D1 timeframe.

4 main pairs.


All the statement for this EA is uploaded to the post above (D1 timeframe).


This EA starts to close the trades in profit. That's ok.

FiboPivotandRSI EA.

D1 timeframe.

4 main pairs.

Updated Statement attached almost every day here.

FiboPivotandRSI EA.

D1 timeframe.

4 main pairs.

Detailed Statements in pips for this EA (FiboPivotandRSI, D1) separated by pairs.


Some people said that this EA is having the bug.

If so it is profitable bug.

I changed the broker so this EA is continuing testing on the other broker.

Still early for any general conclusion.


FiboPivotandRSI, D1 timeframe

FiboPivotandRSI EA.

D1 timeframe.

4 main pairs.

Please find detailed statements by pairs from the beginning of the testing till 12th of February (


Statements were updated.

FiboPivotandRSI EA.

D1 timeframe.

4 main pairs.

Detailed statements were updated (attached).


Set File

Hello, can someone help me? How do I use the SET fille? Do I have to place it somewhere? or does the EA work without it?

Thank you.

Hello, can someone help me? How do I use the SET fille? Do I have to place it somewhere? or does the EA work without it? Thank you.

Place it in the presets file -MetaTrader 4\experts\presets-. Open your metatrader, attach the ea, load the set file.