Sti - page 14



STI4_0_3.mq4 -

Function "Cmt" is not referenced and will be removed from exp-file

Function "Sendit" is not referenced and will be removed from exp-file

Where it is possible to find these functions?

STI4_0_3.mq4 -

Function "Cmt" is not referenced and will be removed from exp-file

Function "Sendit" is not referenced and will be removed from exp-file

Where it is possible to find these functions?

You don't need those functions. They were function programmed in - that could have been commented out, but weren't. There is no need to worry about those.


One week testing results of the version which I am testing please find here.


Newdigital, what time frame did you use for the tests?.

By the way, thanks for all the hard work.

Newdigital, what time frame did you use for the tests?. By the way, thanks for all the hard work.

M15 for 4 main pairs.

Hi Holyguy7 and Manager,

I guess I have some problemns in the Setup or the parameters.

See the attached chart - lost out most of the trades using the EA STI4_0_3.mq4.

Any advise.


humnle Trader.

Thank you for the info. The more the better. I looked at the parameters and setup and I am currently working with the H1 and H4 timeframe as I have had limited success with that. I have noticed that there are different versions of the STI EA out there and I have found that some do work better than others.

This is a work in progress. The EA does not like trends very well and prefers a market that does not trend. This is invaluable as I believe the Forex market is moving more and more away from trends (as more investors increase the volume) and we should start seeing more whipsawing and this EA is great for that.

I am really trying to find a way for the EA to stay out the market when trending is occurring and to only get in when trending has stopped. I don't know if this is possible or not.

I hope this helps.


STI v2 Translated


Thank you so much for explaining the code, I really appreciate your work. It helps me understand it a little bit better.

Yesterday I paid a Lativian translater to translate the STI v2 source code comments for me. I choose to have STI v2 translated into english because I think Manager posted that he uses it.

here's my contribution that could help us better understand STI.

Just match up the comments with the english translations

Thanks again

//---- darijumu parametri-------------------------------------------------------

//apjoms ar kâdu tirgo

//take profit vçrtîba orderim, ja 0 tad T/P nelieto

//stop loss vçrtîba orderim, ja 0 tad S/L nelieto

//1-lietot 0-nelietot [aizver poziciju pie preteja signala]

//------------ PD ------- parametri-------------------------------------------

// cik dienas vajag PD noteikshanai

// cik PD jaacaursit lai rastos signaals

Comment("\n","Paatrinajuma Dienu Izsisanas Sistema ");

// meklç augoðas PD

// meklç krîtoða PD

// uzziimee bultinjas

// meklee N2 PD min vçrtîbu

// meklee N2 PD max vçrtîbu

// uzziimee liinijas

// aprçíina cik poz atvçrtas

//---- atgrieþ atverto poz. Skaitu

// parbauda pozîcijas atvçrðanas nosacîjumus

// meklç augoðas PD

// meklç krîtoða PD

// meklee N2 PD min vçrtîbu

// meklee N2 PD max vçrtîbu

// nosaka virzienu

//ja ir SELL signâls

//ja ir BUY signâls

// ST krustpunkts

// PD BUY signals

// def

// parbauda pozîcijas slçgðanas nosacîjumus |

// meklç augoðas PD

// meklç krîtoða PD

// meklee N2 PD min vçrtîbu

// meklee N2 PD max vçrtîbu

// nosaka virzienu

// ja ir SELL signâls

// ST krustpunkts

//---- ja nav no kâ rçíjinat MA, tad beigas

//---- ja poz. atvçrtas tad ...

//---- parameters of deals-------------------------------------------------------

//volume being traded

//take-profit value for an order; if 0 then T/P is not applied

//stop-loss value for an order; if 0 then S/L is not applied

//1-apply 0-don't apply [close a position, if the signal is inverse]

//------------ PD ------- parameters-------------------------------------------

// how many days are needed for determining a PD

// how many PDs need to be knocked out for the signal to activate

Comment("\n","System for Knocking Out Dates of Acceleration ");

// looking for growing PDs

// looking for decreasing PDs

// drawing of arrows

// looking for minimum value of N2 PD

// looking for maximum value of N2 PD

// drawing of lines

// calculation of the number of open positions

//---- returns the number of open positions

// checking of prerequisites for opening a position

// looking for growing PDs

// looking for decreasing PDs

// looking for minimum value of N2 PD

// looking for maximum value of N2 PD

// determining a direction

//if SELL is signaled

//if BUY is signaled

// ST intersection

// signal of PD BUY

// def

// checking prerequisites for closing a position |

// looking for growing PDs

// looking for decreasing PDs

// looking for minimum value of N2 PD

// looking for maximum value of N2 PD

// determining a direction

// if SELL is signaled

// ST intersection

//---- if there are no sources to calculate the MA from, then end

//---- if there are open positions, then ...


Updated statements.

Files:  28 kb

Updated statements for STI EA with timefilter (19 till 05).


I just registered for the Elite group and I don't think I'm gonna regret it.

So many versions for this EA and so little time. I will try so test some versions of it aswell and post my results