Expert for SHI_SilvertrendSig


Hi, I am a newbie.

Please can someone help me to make an expert program from this indicator : SHI_SilvertrendSig. ( if it possible ? )

Thank U.

May profit always with U

Hi, I am a newbie.

Please can someone help me to make an expert program from this indicator : SHI_SilvertrendSig. ( if it possible ? )

Thank U.

May profit always with U

Yes you are right. It may be good system. I was also thinking about it.

But problem is the following:

this SHI_SilvertrendSig indicator is changing itself on historical data. Signals from this indicator are coming even earlier than zigzag and those signals may be changed anytime (the same with zigzag indicator).

We should have the main signal (or crossing) indicator and any other indicators may be just for the confirmation of the signal or some filter.

But SHI_SilvertrendSig indicator can not be this main signal indicator in the system.

I played with Ichimoku and BrainTrading_signal indicators to create some system and tested something and create template to trade. But I had too many indicators: more than 12 in one chart. It should be more simple.

Yes you are right. It may be good system. I was also thinking about it.

But problem is the following:

this SHI_SilvertrendSig indicator is changing itself on historical data. Signals from this indicator are coming even earlier than zigzag and those signals may be changed anytime (the same with zigzag indicator).

We should have the main signal (or crossing) indicator and any other indicators may be just for the confirmation of the signal or some filter.

But SHI_SilvertrendSig indicator can not be this main signal indicator in the system.

I played with Ichimoku and BrainTrading_signal indicators to create some system and tested something and create template to trade. But I had too many indicators: more than 12 in one chart. It should be more simple.

Look at the image: I used this chart to trade for one week. 14 indicators in the chart! Really difficult. Because i wanted to get the right signal for sell and buy, I wanted to know exactly. And I received 14 indicators.

It should be more simple.

Look at the image: I used this chart to trade for one week. 14 indicators in the chart! Really difficult. Because i wanted to get the right signal for sell and buy, I wanted to know exactly. And I received 14 indicators. It should be more simple.

Yes you are right !

I tried trading yesterday, just using the SHI-Silvertrendsig only in 1H chart I go in when the signal come.I attch the result.

( TP= 10 to 20 pips ----- SL: 30 )

range10.jpg  51 kb


Look at the image: I used this chart to trade for one week. 14 indicators in the chart! Really difficult. Because i wanted to get the right signal for sell and buy, I wanted to know exactly. And I received 14 indicators. It should be more simple.

Yes newdigitial this indicator changes alot more than zigzag demo tried and lossing trades zigzag is much reliable than this indicator


Here u go!

Run it on H1 chart - it will make 1 lot trades.

I didnt test it so u have to do it your self.

Hope this will help u.

Here u go!

Run it on H1 chart - it will make 1 lot trades.

I didnt test it so u have to do it your self.

Hope this will help u.

Thanks a lot, for your help.

I will test it

Here u go!

Run it on H1 chart - it will make 1 lot trades.

I didnt test it so u have to do it your self.

Hope this will help u.

The expert A. does not work ? I put it at my demo acc 2 days ago , nothink happen.


Yep, i forgot to tell u, that expert will not work after all, i discovered that yesterday - thats becouse SHI indicator doesnt refresh and he set dots with 1 shift and then change it - i try to trade with him but it was usless. If u want to u can try to write that indicator in loop with 30 count - if some dot will come in that loop then set the buy/sell lvl on that dot and next check that the bid price crossed that lvl. But i think that system will not be proftable after all.

Yep, i forgot to tell u, that expert will not work after all, i discovered that yesterday - thats becouse SHI indicator doesnt refresh and he set dots with 1 shift and then change it - i try to trade with him but it was usless. If u want to u can try to write that indicator in loop with 30 count - if some dot will come in that loop then set the buy/sell lvl on that dot and next check that the bid price crossed that lvl. But i think that system will not be proftable after all.

Yes u r right the SHI indicator doesnt refresh, i have to refresh it manualy.



Jacoba & Kalenzo:

I have been testing this SHI_Silvertrend indicator for a couple of days now, and have discovered the same thing, that it does not refresh, which is not good at all. But it looks great where the dots paint in, but does the future change the past here??

In other words, does this indicator(if refresh problem was fixed that is)change the location of coloured dots after they paint in the first time ??

And can the author or anyone fix this refresh problem ??