How to code? - page 138

Ok ok,

member has an infraction due the overdose of reports.

But we need to be pragmatic and not for the only decompiling action you're violating copyrights.

First, yes or yes, the code needs to have a patent from any patent office in the world.

Just after the code (product, logarithm, dna sequence, thing, idea, whatever) has the patent is protected for any copyright law around to world because no matter country almost all have signed the international copyrights agreements. If no patent, so sorry.

You can't claim you have copyrights over something if you're not the patent owner. That's the way the thing (and the world) works.

eg: You write a book. Do you have ISBN for that book? yes or no?. No, sorry the book writer could be anybody.

Btw, why coders that claim to be so good keeps posting ex4 files while decompilation is so easy?

If I was so good as some of them claims I would write my indicators using another tools with at least AES encryption.

A friend who is a really good coder is teaching me about how to do that. Is not hard and it works. Have you tried to decompile a Windows library?


I beleive you are unclear in your above post. CopyRight and Patents are two different things. a book or any writen document has an author and the the author has a right to his writtings. A patent is on a design, operation, etc.. and that needs to be registered to be good. Copyrights on the other hand has no such requirement if the author has no intention to make public. If I were to mail you a letter, the copy of the letter is yours but the witings of the letter is still belongs to me. If you publish that letter I can have recourse against you as I did not intend to publish it. Any of my writings are considered part of my private library and are protected by copyright laws.

Dont know what your trying to say in the above post, but if the code, as this one in question, is clearly been decompiled it should be considered illegally gotten. As for posting any of my writings I consider it in line with posting my bank account numbers or even the name of any company I have accounts with. I will not do it, the only time I transfer code is in private. I have ask why you dont have a means of private rooms in this forum it was for this very issue, I am not so much concern with someone decompiling some thing for their own private and personal use, although still illegal, my main objection is the ones that do it to later profit from it by selling it to others as their work.

I was going to post my time library a while back but have not done so why? Plan and simple; The library was to good to give others, and have them sell it as their work. I am good and theres others that are better programers along with many more that have stoped posting over the years because for this very issue.



I beleive you are unclear in your above post. CopyRight and Patents are two different things. a book or any writen document has an author and the the author has a right to his writtings. A patent is on a design, operation, etc.. and that needs to be registered to be good. Copyrights on the other hand has no such requirement if the author has no intention to make public. If I were to mail you a letter, the copy of the letter is yours but the witings of the letter is still belongs to me. If you publish that letter I can have recourse against you as I did not intend to publish it. Any of my writings are considered part of my private library and are protected by copyright laws.

Dont know what your trying to say in the above post, but if the code, as this one in question, is clearly been decompiled it should be considered illegally gotten. As for posting any of my writings I consider it in line with posting my bank account numbers or even the name of any company I have accounts with. I will not do it, the only time I transfer code is in private. I have ask why you dont have a means of private rooms in this forum it was for this very issue, I am not so much concern with someone decompiling some thing for their own private and personal use, although still illegal, my main objection is the ones that do it to later profit from it by selling it to others as their work.

I was going to post my time library a while back but have not done so why? Plan and simple; The library was to good to give others, and have them sell it as their work. I am good and theres others that are better programers along with many more that have stoped posting over the years because for this very issue.


Hi buddy. I'm just talking about the legal view. If somebody pretends to have the copyrights or patent about something is for some reason like money, public recognition, premiums, the only desire to be considered the author, so on.

If author does not have any petition about why wants to have the rights about such thing there is no sense in claim copyrights.

Legally, copyrights or patents have almost same approach, you need to have proof that you're the author. And the only way to do that is to register or to gather enough material to pretend being the original author. In both cases that proofs needs to be shown on a court to get a sentence that allows you the manger of the rights.

Without a court sentence there wouldn't have been a punitive action coming from the state which have the monopoly of public force and it's the only allow to shall justice. And justice is what the author that feels his rights has been damaged is looking for.

In that way copyleft is born. It's the opposite.

As you write: as this one in question, is clearly been decompiled it should be considered illegally gotten.

And you're fully right. Original author needs to have the proof to probe that a crime has been committed. Proofs are basis of modern legal systems and the state of rights.

Otherwise we could sentence a man for murder just because somebody claims he's a murder.

Also: If I were to mail you a letter, the copy of the letter is yours but the writings of the letter is still belongs to me.

That's depends on the contract between you and the mail provider and I and the email prvider.

If that letter was sent by hotmail the rights belongs to Microsoft


I'm very happy to have this talk besides forex, indicators, codes.



edit look they have a triple screen display (TSD) too.

Buddy I just was talking about the legals aspects and the possible legal approach to the question. Just that.

As you know by my nick I'm related with linux but more than software only, Free Software, Open Souce, GNU, Copyleft, DMCA ...

I'm on email lists and forums where we discuss things like this all the time.

I really like to discuss thing slike this and I thought you where interested in the legal approach. My mistake.

Btw: Forum is very strict with the policies about pirated/decompiled material.


ok, just let this issue end like this.

I just posted an indicator which downloaded from owner website

and I am not good in MQL4, so I also donno this is decompiled indicator

sorry for all, I donno thing will be so serious and complicated

hope u guys can accept my apologize



Bud, we are talking about the same thing. I was just pointing out that when people are allowed in as in this case with obvious decompled code, it will lower the standards of the forum as a whole. and if the admens of the forum dont have respect of the members and let things like this to exist along with spam and out right scams then the experenced people will leave. This forum does a better job then most but when the forum gets bigger and better the trash has a habbit of getting deeper. You cant police every thing but when something as obvious as decompile code its not open source it was a compiled executable. If it was open source there will have been no need to decompile it.

The other day on this forum I read a post that was using the Microsoft logo on the advetisment of his product and from the content of his post I would say he did not have MS premission to use it. I have a friend that is a publisher of a weekly magazine. He almost got in troble for running an add in the magazine were the Oscar statue saw used. He did not create the add the client submitted it. What saved him was he requires a release from all clients that they have any and all permissions with respect to eht adds copy.

The internet is a little different because its open and most information is free. everone thinks that it can be used as one pleases. If Rob Booker were to write an ebook as he has done many times already and puts it out on the internet as free does that give me the right to make changes to it and resubmit it or sell it as my original work Without any recourse? and what is the liablity of the medium used, in this case the forum? Possible the forum would have no liablity for any violation of copyrights but out of respect of its members the forum should elimiate the obveous copyright and trademark violations. My above post was pointing out that if the forum has no respect for its members it will slowly die as the forum is only as good as its ability to retain active members.




I know many of you guys are amazing coders, and or forex traders- but what's the deal with the legality talk?

Copyright is the most useless intellectual property rights system in the legal system. You guys can continue talking about what's legal and what's not legal, but the fact is- any Joe Blow can copyright their work.

If any Joe Blow can copyright an idea, you can already see the problems that will be faced with such lousy requirements.

- Copyright.

There. My quote is now legally copyrighted. Now let me ask you a question- do you, and or anyone of these coders have enough money to attempt to legally pursue infringement of such a loosely managed system?

Sure, maybe if your EA is really that amazing as EVERYONE claims them to be. Sure if your Coco Cola trying to create a diversified portfolio of cash flow. But the fact is- legal or not, 2-3% of the people who can afford to protect intellectual copyright are like the 2-3% of the forex traders that make a decent or extravagant living.

Now, I'm not saying it's ETHICAL to decompile someone's work. But honestly, what's with the bickering if realistically- EA copyright, indicator copyright is nothing more than a word placed in code to basically say "please don't copy" Like mladen said on one forum. "If you're scared about your work being stolen- don't post it."


Bottom line is this is not a warez forum and to allow a blatantly decompiled piece of code to exist is asking for trouble. I see that the offending code has now been removed which is a good thing.

I'm sure many of the people commenting are not coders and so don't understand why it was so obvious the code was decompiled. The naming of variables or rather the lack thereof was the glaring proof.

I don't really think anybody is asking the admins of this forum to act as protectors of 'copyright' but all we're saying is if somebody posts an obviously bogus piece of code that has it's 'protection' (no matter how weak) broken then as a mark of respect to the many coders that give their time freely to try to help others and in an attempt to maintain the standards of this forum please remove it.

Well it's been done now so that's a good thing. Hopefully people will be smart and think twice before posting decompiled code.



now that is over.. can someone help? i need code from using a fractal..

what is the code for fractal? i wanna get the value of the blue and yellow.. also 2 fractal up and fractal down after the blue and yellow..

:: Hi! there is no code that will give you a direct answer for the last fractals... you have to use a normal bar loop like for many/all indicators (you will find many examples for this), use the function iFractal to retrieve the values in the loop.


now that is over.. can someone help? i need code from using a fractal..

what is the code for fractal? i wanna get the value of the blue and yellow.. also 2 fractal up and fractal down after the blue and yellow..

now that is over.. can someone help? i need code from using a fractal..

what is the code for fractal? i wanna get the value of the blue and yellow.. also 2 fractal up and fractal down after the blue and yellow..

I answered your question 3 pages back

If you could only apply yourself as diligently to learning and coding as you do to nagging and whining then you might actually have accomplished something by now.

Nobody is under any obligation to help you so take what you've been given and apply it.

If, as I suspect, you're simply waiting for somebody else to actually code the whole thing for you then good luck. Perhaps somebody more benevolent than myself will assist you. The title of this thread is 'How to code?' NOT 'Code my routine for me cos I'm too lazy to even try to learn how to help myself.'

So sorry if mine and other coders posts regarding decompiled code got in the way of your SO important begging post.
