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Flytox: I cannot find such code in my copy of TrendStrength.
It's TrendStrength v2.2
Custom Pricemode
Does anyone know how to make a custom pricemode ? I am using the following alert to signal when the price (extern int PriceMode = 6; //(high+low+close+close)/4) crosses a MA. I would like to make this custom by adding an offset, say 1 or 2 %. Is this possible ? Something like:
extern int PriceMode = ((high+low+close+close)/4) * 1.01
#property indicator_chart_window
extern int MA1.period =5; //Period 5
extern int MA1.shift=0;
extern int MA1.method=2; //SMMA
extern int lMA1.price=2; //MA set to candle high
extern int sMA1.price=3; //MA set to candle low
extern int PriceMode = 6; //(high+low+close+close)/4
int cBar,pBarLong,pBarShort;
int start()
cBar = Time[0];
if(CheckMACross(1)== 1 && cBar!=pBarLong ) {EmailAlert(1); pBarLong=cBar;}
if(CheckMACross(2)==-1 && cBar!=pBarShort) {EmailAlert(2); pBarShort=cBar;}
int CheckMACross(int mode)
if(mode==1) int price = lMA1.price;
if(mode==2) price = sMA1.price;
double price1 = iMA(Symbol(),0,1,0,1,PriceMode,1);
double ma1 = iMA(Symbol(),0,MA1.period,MA1.shift,MA1.method, price,1);
double price0 = iMA(Symbol(),0,1,0,1,PriceMode,0);
double ma0 = iMA(Symbol(),0,MA1.period,MA1.shift,MA1.method, price,0);
if(ma1 > price1 && ma0 <= price0) return( 1);
if(ma1 = price0) return(-1);
if(mode == 1) SendMail("Signal for LONG",Symbol()+" Go Long"); //SendMail
if(mode == 2) SendMail("Signal for SHORT",Symbol()+" Go Short");//SendMail
int lastBAlert = 0;
int lastSAlert = 0;
void EmailAlert(int mode)
if(mode == 2 && lastSAlert < Time[0] )
SendMail("Go Short 1",Symbol()+" Go Short 1"); //SendMail
lastSAlert = Time[0];
I am appealing to the experts out there to please come to my aid i need some to help me buld an EXPERT ADVISER META 4 TRADER for me i would be greatfull if my request is granted.
Millions of ways to build an expert, what way were you thinking?
source code help!
Hello all
I have an EA and i want to add an input to it
If take profit >= :xx , buy :xx lot
extern int Deltaopen1 =100;
I wrote;
if (type == OP_BUY)
if (M2.BuyCnt == 0 && OrderTakeProfit() > OrderOpenPrice() + Deltaopen1*point)
Buy(Symbol(), GetLots2(), Ask, 0, 0, Magic2);
if (type == OP_SELL)
if (M2.SellCnt == 0 && OrderTakeProfit() <= OrderOpenPrice() - Deltaopen1*point)
Sell(Symbol(), GetLots2(), Bid, 0, 0, Magic2);
But it does not work,
I appreciate any help.
Thank you
Need a little help refining this EA
I have this ea which is a modified version of the "GAPS EA" found elsewhere on this forum.
Anyway, attached is a copy of the code.
#property link ""
//---- input parameters
extern int min_gapsize = 1;
extern double lotsize_gap = 5;
extern int MagicNumber = 10;
datetime order_time = 0;
//| expert initialization function |
int init()
//| expert deinitialization function |
int deinit()
//| expert start function |
int start()
Thing to be done in future in this program to make it more efficient
and more powerful:
1. Make the dicission of the quantity of lots used according to
the scillators;
2. This program will catch the gaps.
Things to ware of:
1. the spread;
2. excuting the order not on the gap ends a little bit less.
// Defining the variables to decide.
Print("order time", order_time);
double current_openprice = iOpen(Symbol(), 0, 0);
double previous_highprice = iHigh(Symbol(), 0, 1);
double previous_lowprice = iLow(Symbol(), 0, 1);
double point_gap = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_POINT);
int spread_gap = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_SPREAD)+1;
datetime current_time = iTime(Symbol(), 0, 0);
// catching the gap on sell upper gap
if(current_openprice > previous_highprice + (min_gapsize + spread_gap)*point_gap &&
current_time != order_time)
int ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, lotsize_gap, Bid, 0, 0,
previous_highprice + spread_gap,
"Gapped Up Sell " + Symbol()+ " " +Period()+ "", MagicNumber, 0, Red);
order_time = iTime(Symbol(), 0, 0);
Print("I am inside (sell) :-)", order_time);
if(ticket < 0)
Print("OrderSend failed with error #", GetLastError());
//catching the gap on buy down gap
if(current_openprice < previous_lowprice - (min_gapsize + spread_gap)*point_gap &&
current_time != order_time)
ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, lotsize_gap, Ask, 0, 0,
previous_lowprice - spread_gap,
"Gapped Down Buy " + Symbol()+ " " +Period()+ "", MagicNumber, 0, Green);
order_time = iTime(Symbol(), 0, 0);
Print("I am inside (buy) :-)", order_time);
if(ticket < 0)
Print("OrderSend failed with error #", GetLastError());
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+Whenever I put this into the strategy tester, it doesn't open trades. A quick peek at the journal tells me that there were plenty of order times made. What did I do wrong?
Help: Basic Histogram Question
This is probably really easy and I'm looking past something, but I'm out of resources and can't find an answer.
All I'm trying to do is recall the value of the previously drawn histogram bar.
Any ideas?
I.e. Close[1] shows the last closed bar on the chart.....
So what would show the last drawn histogram bar on this separate window indicator?
Thanks for any advice in advance.
This is probably really easy and I'm looking past something, but I'm out of resources and can't find an answer.
All I'm trying to do is recall the value of the previously drawn histogram bar.
Any ideas?
I.e. Close[1] shows the last closed bar on the chart.....
So what would show the last drawn histogram bar on this separate window indicator?
Thanks for any advice in advance.
-dharsantWhich indicator are you calling? Just set the shift to call the previous bar.
Example, for a current bar moving average:
For a previous bar moving average:
The last parameter when calling an indicator signifies how many bars from current will be read.
Hope this is what you were looking for.
Coding Help Needed Please
I am trying to use a couple of different indicators in an ea but can't seem to work out how to implement them in to the system. What part of the indicator do I use to say buy or sell. How do I get Slope Direction Line into part of an EA.
I have probably not explained myself quite right.
I am trying to find out what I need to put into iCustom this is what I have done below.
double SDL=iCustom(NULL,0,"Slope Direction Line",period,method,price)
And what I need to do to generate buy and sell signal from Slope Direction Line Indicator for my EA. Below is what I have done so far, it compiles but no positions are being generated.
bool Long = TML && SDL && HeikenAshiOpen < HeikenAshiClose && hasOpen < hasClose;
bool Short = TMS && SDL && HeikenAshiOpen > HeikenAshiClose && hasOpen > hasClose;
Any help would be great
Firstly the iCustom call needs two additional arguments at the end, namely which of the indicator buffers to read from, and which index to read at.
Secondly, "SDL" is a double number, so to just put "SDL" as a condition shows some confusion; possibly it compiles as "SDL != 0", and possibly that's what is meant.