Needing a System



I would like a system like the following; maybe someone knows if it already exists, or can develop it:

  1. Simple: This system must be easy to comprehend for a beginner. It cannot contain hard-to-understand language, complex indicators, etc. I put this requirement first, as I have read several systems like what I need, but could not understand how to implement the indicators, or how to make them work in general.
  2. Intra-week: I am not interested in scalping, or even in intra-day strategies, but rather in following a system that keeps us in during the week (or possibly longer if need be).
  3. Works With Small Account Size: I would like to be able to make this work with a very small account size, around $5,000.00.
  4. Monitor Once every 4-6 Hours: I need to sleep at night (I'm in the Eastern time zone, USA). Also, I work during the day. So the system needs to have stops or something where I only need to examine it once or twice an hour during the day, and once every 4-6 hours in the evening.

So, does this system exist? Does anyone know of one like it? Or can it be designed? Oh, and obviously I'd like it to be profitible .

Thank you.



There are many many informative websites out there that advise one on where to start. This being one of them, just use the search function, or even begin with one of the many Expert Advisor scripts found on this site for the metatrader platform. I wish you the best of luck.



It is not very easy.

There are a lot of systems and you may use any.

It is no problem.

But there are some limitations which you should know before you start:

- Some systems which may be good for one person are not good at all for an other person (for unknown reason let's say).

- Besides, there is no system in the world which can be profitable forever. Because the forex is life, is nature and nobody could program all the nature and all the life. Some of the main subjects may be programed only or taken in to account.

- Besides, to use any system (or EA) we should have some knowledge about the forex and so on.

- there are some rules in the forex to be followed to reduce the losses. But to reduce only because we can not avoid the losses completely and absolutely.

- there are some classical systems based on the classical (means traditional) indicators. We should know these systems and be familiar with these indicators because it was time-proved.

Other members of this forum may add something.


if not, you have a very good site:

This is a bad link, BrunoFX, could you please send the right one? Thank you.

This is a bad link, BrunoFX, could you please send the right one? Thank you.


Seems Bruno was joking.


Thank you newdigital,

I did not think only that this feature of humour would be taken with the first degrees.

Mikejody, Seems Bruno was joking.

Yes, I think the language barrier was the problem, as my first language is English.