MT4 Monitor - MT4 DDE in visual basic 6. - page 2

I have a charting program called FCpro and it will pick up from port 16239 the output from metatrader 3

it also will pick up the same from Quote Tracker

I am not too knowledgeable on these things, does that tell you the answer........




It's like Quote Tracker in only one thing "Streaming Real-Time quotes".

I'll add to it more options per members requests(EX: saving quotes , upload to server and convert to MT4 history foramt).

I just was playing with my Visual Basic toy.



Hi Coders Guru,

i did try both the excel statement to get the price from MT4 and the VB module you made. The excel statement is really what I was looking for, but it doesn't quite do what i want. I currently go into MT4 to the history tool, export history to a text file, call up a macro in excel to format the data into another text file that my elliott wave software can read. I have to do this because the export from MT4 has a dot delimiter for the date which my software cant read. If there were a way to run a script to export all the MT4 data into a text file that has teh / delimiter in the date field instead of the "." delimiter, it would be useful to me. The ultimate would be to get a VB script to load into excel that would automatically update and add to history so that I could do statistical analytics right in excel without having to chase text files, exports, formats for text files etc.

BTW, you do great work and I appreciate your help. thnaks.


VB program for DDE links

Here is a library to use DDE in .NET

This seems to be pretty good, does anyone else have a better option?

How do I use this to turn the VB6 version source code to compile in Visual Studio 2005? Any help greatly appreciated.


MT4 DDE in Perl

Hi Codersguru,

I tried to make a DDE Client in perl, but I cant get any data from MT4.

I would like to know waht is wrong with this code in perl:

use strict;

use Win32::DDE::Client;

my $Client = new Win32::DDE::Client('MT4', 'BID');

die "Unable to initiate conversation" if $Client->Error;

my $group= $Client->Request('EURUSD');

print "$group\n";


Thank you.



This is great. Thanks for putting this together and making it available. I just purchased the MMTS e-Book and was thinking it would be great to program it in VB6 with it's numerous rules. I haven't used DDE through VB6 before, just Excel.


This is great. Thanks for putting this together and making it available. I just purchased the MMTS e-Book and was thinking it would be great to program it in VB6 with it's numerous rules. I haven't used DDE through VB6 before, just Excel. MarkC.


You're welcome!

Hope it helped!



Another version to just keep your eyes on the rate while you are working! It will be always on the top and you can place it at any corner of the screen and keep your Alt+Tab free !

Maybe the next step is to give alerts when the rate reaches a specific level!

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Fetching rates from more than 1 MT4 broker


Thank you so much for this, real great stuff you got here. I have a question for you. Now , i understand the VB program will try to connect to a MT4 broker platform running on your pc that has DDE server enabled. What if i have more than 1 MT4 broker platform running? Is there a way to specify what MT4 broker platform to fetch the rates from? Also, can you point me to a good resource for DDE programming using VB6 or DOTNET?

Would appreciate all your help.



Is there a current document that contains all the DDE calls one can make for both indicators and price for MT4?


Is this technique limited to just fetching the price info, or can we send commands to MT4 as well?