Trading Strategies Based On Digital Filters - page 131


old Digital Filters are so boring...I want Newdigital Filters!...

old Digital Filters are so boring...I want Newdigital Filters!...

Here is one : sma (simple moving average) is a digital filter with all coefficients equal to 1 (and this is no kiding - it is actually a fact). I guess that would qualify to be a new digital filter


HeHe ...

(that's Oldmanual Filter)


This is ftlm-stlm mtf made compatible with new mt4 builds.

HeHe ... (that's Oldmanual Filter)


Imagine that we put an array of coefficients and fill it with 1/n and we call it a super duper new digital filter or we fill it with nn,nn-1,....,1 sum those and call it a hipper super duper new digital filter (of course why would we call it a lwma in that case) :)


So everything can be a digital filter?


the kind of digital filters politicians have...Hmmmm...interesting....

Depends Imagine that we put an array of coefficients and fill it with 1/n and we call it a super duper new digital filter or we fill it with nn,nn-1,....,1 sum those and call it a hipper super duper new digital filter (of course why would we call it a lwma in that case) :)
the kind of digital filters politicians have...Hmmmm...interesting....

Nobody has the filters that politician have Except politicians - genuine holly grails - after all that is why they became politicians


not true...they did it for the children...Dah!

Nobody has the filters that politician have Except politicians - genuine holly grails - after all that is why they became politicians
not true...they did it for the children...Dah!


One filled his sons company with $510 million and another was keeping measly €30 million in a house safe.