Trading Strategies Based On Digital Filters - page 96



This is my version

whis is nlk indicator?


The thread has all but regained it's former glory. I remember when this was the most happenin joint in all the forum. Seems like so many months ago..... . There are a few people I have to thank directly for my success and survival on this journey and would go so far as to even label my brothers from another mother, two of which are active on this thread: (in order by apperance ) FXCruiser, homestudy, & Simba. These are dear friends that, without, I would've thrown in the towel long ago, not only on trading but life in general (not suicide but in spirit). All are successful full-time traders yet still feel inclined to give back without the incentive of taking. It's one many reasons (in conjuction w/ knowledge and control) they excel @ life. Just wanted to show some appreciation were is was more than equally deserved.

I, personally, have tried to trade indicators that recalculate (non-causal) to no avail. Not to say it can't be and isn't being done. I know of some who do so and quite well I might add. I tip my hat to them. It takes the skill of a surgeon, discpline of a general, and patience of a monk. I've been using the same setup for almost 2 yrs and all indicators have been derived from this section, Digital Filters and Juriks threads alike.

*Note: The two upper histograms indicators have a little special sauce added BUT this is easily achievable by doing a little studying and experimenting. All of it's used on a Renko/CRB chart (and not on 10 pip bars). It is not of my own conception entirely. All of those I mentioned above played a part as well, directly, as a few others (to a much lesser degree, directly and indirectly, but to whom I'm as equally grateful)*

I am one of the least mathematically inclined people you'd ever meet but I didn't let that deter me. I couldn't just take take take and not even try reciprocate those that provided.....made me feel like a loser. Besides, that'll get you killed in the ring, on the court/field, and in wartime......So I did research in an attempt to grasp a sliver of understanding to show and prove to those who were the authorities on the subject matter that I was eager to play an active role in the social hierarchy vs. just being a bottom feeder. I Wiki'ed, Googled, and .pdf'ed my way to a good basic foundation of knowledge and ultimately to the mentality of a critical thinker who went out and got what he wanted and wasn't afraid to try and fail instead of what I had been so accustomed to before which was playing the victimized and entitled role. From there, those that had the ability were willing to hear my ideas and opinions simply because I had semi-educated ones to share.

That being said, I wish everyone much success. We can all be in that elusive club of the minority that's consistently profitable. It's has nothing to do w/ luck.......


Yes very nice work with renko.

Imho, there is a lot of work to do with renko, recently i tried a ftlm with renko 10 pips on gy but without success.

I will try ftlm kg with a higher enko, 15 or 20 pips.

Thanks !


Hey all,

Situation interesting, high on shi channel + return of cycles + gann hilo test :

cycle_ex_2.gif  18 kb

FFT twitches as a snake on a frying pan, though on history grail


Off the record...

Did anyone noticed that number of posts on this website subsided to almost nothin'....usually an indicator that something big is going to happen in a near future...without looking at indicators....


never mind some people will never get it!!!!!!!!!!!!!



never mind some people will never get it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did you?...Please gimme

You and mladen are bad boys, you had near 90% hit rate,and you don`t share with the poor newbies..or,should I say newbyes? (BTW,they seem to have an ON/OFF understanding of english )...MMM,Luckily we have ,deep in this Forum`s vaults,Bluto`s Delta9,That was an unbelievably efficient method,I was one of the "fortunate enough" to reverse engineer the method from the thread before he deleted key were you,so,Tools,what do you think about posting about it here? ...Shall we charge the people,or just ask them to run some errands for us?...





The thread has all but regained it's former glory. I remember when this was the most happenin joint in all the forum. Seems like so many months ago..... . There are a few people I have to thank directly for my success and survival on this journey and would go so far as to even label my brothers from another mother, two of which are active on this thread: (in order by apperance ) FXCruiser, homestudy, & Simba. These are dear friends that, without, I would've thrown in the towel long ago, not only on trading but life in general (not suicide but in spirit). All are successful full-time traders yet still feel inclined to give back without the incentive of taking. It's one many reasons (in conjuction w/ knowledge and control) they excel @ life. Just wanted to show some appreciation were is was more than equally deserved.

I, personally, have tried to trade indicators that recalculate (non-causal) to no avail. Not to say it can't be and isn't being done. I know of some who do so and quite well I might add. I tip my hat to them. It takes the skill of a surgeon, discpline of a general, and patience of a monk. I've been using the same setup for almost 2 yrs and all indicators have been derived from this section, Digital Filters and Juriks threads alike.

*Note: The two upper histograms indicators have a little special sauce added BUT this is easily achievable by doing a little studying and experimenting. All of it's used on a Renko/CRB chart (and not on 10 pip bars). It is not of my own conception entirely. All of those I mentioned above played a part as well, directly, as a few others (to a much lesser degree, directly and indirectly, but to whom I'm as equally grateful)*

I am one of the least mathematically inclined people you'd ever meet but I didn't let that deter me. I couldn't just take take take and not even try reciprocate those that provided.....made me feel like a loser. Besides, that'll get you killed in the ring, on the court/field, and in wartime......So I did research in an attempt to grasp a sliver of understanding to show and prove to those who were the authorities on the subject matter that I was eager to play an active role in the social hierarchy vs. just being a bottom feeder. I Wiki'ed, Googled, and .pdf'ed my way to a good basic foundation of knowledge and ultimately to the mentality of a critical thinker who went out and got what he wanted and wasn't afraid to try and fail instead of what I had been so accustomed to before which was playing the victimized and entitled role. From there, those that had the ability were willing to hear my ideas and opinions simply because I had semi-educated ones to share.

That being said, I wish everyone much success. We can all be in that elusive club of the minority that's consistently profitable. It's has nothing to do w/ luck.......


Thanks for your appreciation,YOU deserved it,so I invested My precious time on you...BTW,a few days ago,one of the people you name was skyping me and telling me that HE was glad to know you,that you were somebody special..that you helped him in showing a kind of resilience only found in great traders or great wrestlers ..and,this guy,who posts here,was in awe of you,just as I am in awe of him usual...i know you were ,long time ago ...a wrestler you skate,ok,I believe this is ok too

FFL.. you realized that "stopping being a special sauce".....There are more people watching this ..and,now,sinceyou stopped being a whiner long ago,do you realize you see the markets differently?
