Trading Strategies Based On Digital Filters - page 88


buy gbpjpy

profit target 149,49




I don't need a proof. At least i don't

But the usage of "repainting" when talking about mathematical models and methods is nothing but a waste of time. I just wanted to remind : asking over and over the same question without knowing what the basis of a particular system, or a model, or an indicator is meaningless. It does not show knowledge but a lack of imagination

And I am going to repeat what I already told in the elite section (long time ago) it is not repainting what we are talking when we are talking about these things. These are recalculations. REPAINTING IS A CODING ERROR. Calling, implicitly, FFT, SSA, whatever similar ... a coding error, is meaningless




"asking over and over the same question without knowing what the basis of a particular system, or a model, or an indicator is meaningless. It does not show knowledge but a lack of imagination"

Probably they don`t want to show knowledge,just getting it,and they don`t know how to do differently,or they are too busy searching the HG or too lazy to read all the thread,or more probably,they still haven`t grasped the fine nuances between repainting and redrawing

You can bet that after the current wave of interest in this thread,when it inevitably a few weeks or months ,we will get another wave and with it you will get asked again and again if it repaints or not ...

You could attacch to your signature...."It doesn`t repaints,It redraws",but I am sure it will be meaningless too.

So,in order to alleviate the enormous responsability you carry on your shoulders,I decided to call for a standard reply to anybody who ask if IT repaints......"repaints/redraws who the thread?"

And calling it repainting even if absolutely wrong is not meaningless,it is actually extremely useful,a sort of "for dummies" explanation that allows for the instantaneous conveying of information(even if wrong,simplified...but useful) to those that search for the HG,it helps them to stay away from the thread and go look elsewhere ...and it helps people interested in exploring these instruments in learning how to use redrawing tools as inputs in a decision making process that changes with every new closed bar.

BTW:I rediscovered your "coding error"the other day among hundreds of indicators I was going to delete,and I decided to save it,its interesting properties make for an ideal candidate to "Fourierization",but ,first,a question...does it ?



codingerror.gif  70 kb


as far as I am concern...cycle indicators of the late threads show what market suppose to do in a perfect I wait for confirmation...will post indicator after will get home....

could you post the indicator pava?


hello leledc

Vers 1.3.2

I have corrected a bug about the arrows and lines :now you can add two or more indi in one chart and have for each one lines and arrow.Before two or more indi in one chart couldn't stay together.And i have rewrite some var in the code and now is more readable(this is just for coder...)

I hope that you like this little change and below there is a "static screenshot"...Do you have ever seen a dynamic screenshot????

the vertical lines are the entries and exits without repaints?this is that i want to know..i dont know how this indicator works?could someone explain this?thanks my friend

the vertical lines are the entries and exits without repaints?this is that i want to know..i dont know how this indicator works?could someone explain this?thanks my friend

They are the signal that a "POSSIBLE " cycle up or down is coming and nothing more(sometimes it repaints sometimes not:this section is digital filters not digital signal!!!!This indi doesn't generate signal itself):why do you ask again if it is repaints??????Mladen and Simba has posted yet some works to read and you go on your own way.Yes you don't know how the indi work so please go back and read the thread as i have done and others have done.If you want to know read the thread and stop to ask for the same thing!YES IT REPAINTS SO DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME HERE!Bye


Learn to Swim

Nasreddin had a leaky ferry-boat, and used it to row people across the river. One day his passenger was a fussy schoolteacher, and on the way across he decided to give Nasreddin a test and see how much he knew.

"Tell me, Nasreddin, what are eight sixes?"

"I've no idea."

"How do you spell magnificence?"

"I don't."

"Didn't you study anything at school?"


"In that case, half your life is lost."

Just then a fierce storm blew up, and the boat began to sink.

"Tell me, schoolteacher," said Nasreddin. "Did you ever learn to swim?"


"In that case, your whole life is lost."

P.S: The Storm repainted reality?..or ...Did it redraw it? ...Adapt...learn to swim,my friends.




Simba let's go!!!

1_1.png  7 kb
2.png  20 kb
3.png  29 kb
Simba let's go!!!

And the fourth chart:if you notice the line is returned to the first signal(not always is in this mode...but if you knows how to trade you can have help from this kind of indi...!!!!).Welcome to the REDRAWING WORLD:

We have yet said that this thread and indi aren't for everybody...

4.png  39 kb