Trading Strategies Based On Digital Filters - page 61

You misunderstood the point here. Any presence of non casual indicator in the strategy will fake buy/sell signals and strategy results. As Simba has clear commercial intrest here I think and 17 years of expirience in trading as he claims, showing chart like from yesterday (post 583) is simple manipulation of unexpirienced readers of this forum as buy/sell signals are faked. Krzysztof


Simba and MrTools have already commented on your incredibly unintelligent post. There is probably no need for me to, but I will.

1. Fact: GBPJPY has fell like a rock yesterday AFTER Simba's prediction. Have you seen a recent chart of GBPJPY???

2. Fact: He traded his convictions AND made money on them. Did you? Do you??

3. Fact: EVERY trade he enters is always supported be one thing first: RISK. "What/where is the risk in this trade?" What is your risk management?

4. Fact: Simba has no commercial interests at all in this thread. When has he EVER asked anyone for $$ or gifts or royalties??

5. Fact: Friends/professionals have mutual understandings/respect when it comes to information exchange. Simba and I have shared/created numerous thoughts/ideas/ultra secret world changing methods ;-) for months. He has never asked me for a dime once and I have never asked him for anything either (the same with MrTools). The only thing any of us has ever asked for is an explanation of an idea. If that's a crime that every person on this board is guilty as charged!

6. Fact: No one on this board knows your trading methods. You say that certain things are "frauds" and "won't work". You can run a 1,000 of your little tests and live behind those all you want. What's your method??

These kinds of posts are just humorous. If you are going to a knife fight don't bring a rubber sword.


Anybody could a bit predict what would happen for EURUSD yesterday?

I was using STLM Hist on 15M chart, a cycle indicator on 15M and another cycle indicator on 30M chart.

the M30 cycle and the STLM Hist was showing a fall, but the m15 cycle indicator was at the bottom indicating a rise for EURUSD. Then it rises and got about 400 pips in half a day. And the M30 cycle indicator is looking a bit strange.

How did it behave with the adaptive indicators? anybody can tell me how to see them? I have the spectrum analysis, but the other indicators (SATL, RSTL,...) do not appear.

1. Don't get stuck on the small time frames. Use the 1hr/4hr/Daily for your directional bias (Hey FastK! That's something Simba shared with me.....cost= FREE!)

2. I'm pretty sure there was news at that time. A "downtrend" on a 15 minute chart is not a true "downtrend" (see the point above). The daily/4hr/1hr were all "up". If you were short, you got caught ahead of the news. IMHO, you need to know when news is coming out for that sole reason. 5/15/30 are ok for fine tuning entries. Don't use them as your primary chart.

3. No tool is ever going to catch every move - keep that in mind. Trading is all about probabilities/risk/defining an "edge".



So if Simba's signals are fake buy and sell signals then I guess the gbpjpy falling close to around 500 pips the last couple of days didn't happen either, there is no manipulation period!

The question is here not of GBPJPY went up or down but if the buy/sell signals from (post 583) are repainted. Because you are on the the members of Simba group and have the same software maybe you will answer this.



Simba and MrTools have already commented on your incredibly unintelligent post. There is probably no need for me to, but I will.

1. Fact: GBPJPY has fell like a rock yesterday AFTER Simba's prediction. Have you seen a recent chart of GBPJPY???

2. Fact: He traded his convictions AND made money on them. Did you? Do you??

3. Fact: EVERY trade he enters is always supported be one thing first: RISK. "What/where is the risk in this trade?" What is your risk management?

4. Fact: Simba has no commercial interests at all in this thread. When has he EVER asked anyone for $$ or gifts or royalties??

5. Fact: Friends/professionals have mutual understandings/respect when it comes to information exchange. Simba and I have shared/created numerous thoughts/ideas/ultra secret world changing methods ;-) for months. He has never asked me for a dime once and I have never asked him for anything either (the same with MrTools). The only thing any of us has ever asked for is an explanation of an idea. If that's a crime that every person on this board is guilty as charged!

6. Fact: No one on this board knows your trading methods. You say that certain things are "frauds" and "won't work". You can run a 1,000 of your little tests and live behind those all you want. What's your method??

These kinds of posts are just humorous. If you are going to a knife fight don't bring a rubber sword.


I think the same answer like to mr tools

The question is here not of GBPJPY went up or down but if the buy/sell signals from (post 583) are repainted. Because you are on the the members of Simba group and have the same software maybe you will answer this.


1-You think I have clear commercial interest?

Hahahaha...Show me one post in this Forum where I ask money in exchange for anything or where I continuously promote a commercial brand,like you do with NOXA ...Frankly,I don`t think the guys at NOXA use you to promote their services,they CAN`T be so stupid,and from what I know of them they are a clever team where you obviously don`t fit.

You have painted a very poor portrait of yourself with your assertion...OK,Now tell me what exactly I am selling here and at what price?

2-Showing charts at a Forex Forum is simple manipulation of inexperienced traders?

What have you smoked?

We are at a Forex Forum,in a specific thread centered on trading strategies using DIGITAL FILTERS,so,showing charts with a Digital filter,causal or non causal and making a prediction about its interpretation and the specific direction that pair is going to take in the near future(BTW,I closed my trade,with gains of nearly 300 pips ) just reflects a High level of confidence ,and expertise ,in the application of digital filters to REAL trading,and if this manipulates inexperienced traders,it is in the right direction,showing them there are potential gems to be found on this road...last time I checked in the dictionary this was called teaching....Up to them to decide if they want to learn the full map or not,I,and others,have posted enough pieces of it in this Forum for the ones that want to learn to start doing so...

3-I asked you a very clear question,and,in your own way,you have given a clear answer...I will repeat the question again,so everybody knows clearly what triggered your reaction and why you are so upset...Can you show specific applications of your methods in Real markets?...And,I don`t mean predicting yesterday`s results,nor trading CHIRPS,I mean trading the currency pair of your choice,and show what you use for it...after all,you say you are a full time trader for 2 years,and we still haven`t a clue about what you use for trading.

BTW,It is impossible to fake a "sell signal" given in public before the event happens...I posted clearly what direction to expect(I didn`t give a specific signal,just showed what PROBABLE direction to expect,and what mindset to adopt "look for selling spots-do not think about buying for a couple of days"),and this was the direction taken by the pair ...yes,I know it hurts so much that your defence mechanisms are spinning your intellect out of control,but be a man,stand the pain and learn to

control your reactions unless you want to keep trashing yourself to a bottomless abyss of self delusion...which you are nearing to very fasjt.

Now,for everybody,you can expect anything from this self delusional clown,self proclaimed full time trader(aka unemployed nerd ,and unemployable in the real world due to obvious lack of minimal social habilities)of 2 years...BUT..what should be expected,a clear reply to my question... Can you show specific applications of your methods in Real markets?...

Be so kind to manipulate our inexperienced minds with the wisdom of your charts ....

Man,and people still pm me asking why I had stopped posting at public Forums.



just fast and quick. Here are my results

T2W Day Trading & Forex Forums

post 66

Regarding commercial interest, you confirmed that you rent a charts.

with repainting indicators then ??? Are the buy/sel signals from post 583 repainted ??


I think the same answer like to mr tools

The question is here not of GBPJPY went up or down but if the buy/sell signals from (post 583) are repainted. Because you are on the the members of Simba group and have the same software maybe you will answer this.


From Simba's Post:

"BTW,It is impossible to fake a "sell signal" given in public before the event happens...I posted clearly what direction to expect(I didn`t give a specific signal,just showed what PROBABLE direction to expect,and what mindset to adopt "look for selling spots-do not think about buying for a couple of days"),and this was the direction taken by the pair ..."

We have many tools in the toolbox. Perhaps you've mistaken us for magicians. His post clearly articulates his point (and mine...."mindset" and "looking for selling spots".....TRANSLATION = Manage Risk).

Why don't you post a prediction....or method? Too much risk involved?



Easy to replicate

Anybody could a bit predict what would happen for EURUSD yesterday?

I was using STLM Hist on 15M chart, a cycle indicator on 15M and another cycle indicator on 30M chart.

the M30 cycle and the STLM Hist was showing a fall, but the m15 cycle indicator was at the bottom indicating a rise for EURUSD. Then it rises and got about 400 pips in half a day. And the M30 cycle indicator is looking a bit strange.

How did it behave with the adaptive indicators? anybody can tell me how to see them? I have the spectrum analysis, but the other indicators (SATL, RSTL,...) do not appear.


Everybody could predict what would happen for EURUSD yesterday ..what is more difficult is to predict what it would do today and tomorrow..ok,my suggestions :

1-Use always at least H4 to fix the general cycle direction.

2-If possible,trade when both H1 and H4 are in agreement...and relatively "young",since cycles tend to advance or delay phase,good tradable cycles are those that do so slightly,but they still do.

3-Then,since you seem to like the lower timeframes,use your M15 and M30 cycles to finetune the entries in the DIRECTION signalled by H4+H1

For example,yesterday,since 00:00 hours in my chart,the 2 cycles,red and blue,upper separation, showed clearly that the direction to trade was up.These 2 cycles have been done(The blue one was done more than a year ago,the red one around 7 months ago) with the Digital Filters generator,do not repaint and are very easy to replicate ,I use them for GJ mainly but they work well for all majors or major crosses..BTW,they are no more in sync,so EU is a "forget" until they align again...I can see that the cycles in h4 are still in up phase(Aqua numbers above to the right of the chart calculated with another can use Rich`s ones to help in your decision making,no need to belong to secret societies ),so,more probably,the upmove will continue a few more bars,but "more probably" is not enough because they start to be "old",so,for now it is a forget...When the phases align down AND If the 2 DFG cycles align down again while the phases are relatively young I will think about shorting it.

Trading cycles without H4 direction is a recipe for disaster...there is too much noise at the lower timeframes,even denoising them,I haven`t found reliable cycles that work for long.



From Simba's Post:

"BTW,It is impossible to fake a "sell signal" given in public before the event happens...I posted clearly what direction to expect(I didn`t give a specific signal,just showed what PROBABLE direction to expect,and what mindset to adopt "look for selling spots-do not think about buying for a couple of days"),and this was the direction taken by the pair ..."

We have many tools in the toolbox. Perhaps you've mistaken us for magicians. His post clearly articulates his point (and mine...."mindset" and "looking for selling spots".....TRANSLATION = Manage Risk).

Why don't you post a prediction....or method? Too much risk involved?


see how the repaint looks like

Neural Network Trading, Serious people only! - Page 6

post 88 and down

when you use something like SSA in your strategy what you use with the Goertzel.

Answer is YES or NO here but not spagettis

Are you a financial adviser or something like this by occupation ??



You could expect anything from Him...but he surpassed even the greatest expectations

just fast and quick. Here are my results

T2W Day Trading & Forex Forums

post 66

Regarding commercial interest, you confirmed that you rent a charts.

with repainting indicators then ??? Are the buy/sel signals from post 583 repainted ??


I confirmed that I rent a charts?

Hahahahahaha..."I rent my charts at "rentaclean chartdotcom" " from the below included full exchange with Jim,which is a long time friend(and no,he is not a member of the secret society)was a joke,you ssshole,unbelievably stpid sshole,you are so much self righteous that you are unable to understand a joke when you see one ...

Man you made my day,I told you to cool down or these stupidities will trash you to a bottomless abyss of self delusion...and you didn`t probably spent hours searching the web for "rentacleanchartdotcom" Hahahahaha,man I am literally crying laughs...

I nailed my second prediction of the day when I posted

"Now,for everybody,you can expect anything from this self delusional clown,self proclaimed full time trader(aka unemployed nerd ,and unemployable in the real world due to obvious lack of minimal social habilities)of 2 years...BUT..what should be expected,a clear reply to my question... Can you show specific applications of your methods in Real markets?..."...Hahahaha, have surpassed my greatest expectations,please keep posting at the thread,your comments are invaluable

Man,I can`t stop laughing,I am going to T2W to check your posts and see if I find similar "jewels of wisdom"...

For those interested,below is the exchange with Jim at this thread...

Originally Posted by homestudy

Really good to see peace here!!!!! After all it is about puttinng pips into the account. You both are clearly smart people better to work in the same direction rather then using energy to argue. I love the cleaness of your charts Simba!

Good Trading


Hahahaha,Thanks Jim,long time no see...I rent my charts at "rentaclean chartdotcom" they are expensive but simplify the issue of trading

How is everything going?Any comments on cycles?




are they repainted ??

I confirmed that I rent a charts?

Hahahahahaha..."I rent my charts at "rentaclean chartdotcom" " from the below included full exchange with Jim,which is a long time friend(and no,he is not a member of the secret society)was a joke,you ssshole,unbelievably stpid sshole,you are so much self righteous that you are unable to understand a joke when you see one ...

Man you made my day,I told you to cool down or these stupidities will trash you to a bottomless abyss of self delusion...and you didn`t probably spent hours searching the web for "rentacleanchartdotcom" Hahahahaha,man I am literally crying laughs...

I nailed my second prediction of the day when I posted

"Now,for everybody,you can expect anything from this self delusional clown,self proclaimed full time trader(aka unemployed nerd ,and unemployable in the real world due to obvious lack of minimal social habilities)of 2 years...BUT..what should be expected,a clear reply to my question... Can you show specific applications of your methods in Real markets?..."...Hahahaha, have surpassed my greatest expectations,please keep posting at the thread,your comments are invaluable

Man,I can`t stop laughing,I am going to T2W to check your posts and see if I find similar "jewels of wisdom"...

For those interested,below is the exchange with Jim at this thread...

Originally Posted by homestudy

Really good to see peace here!!!!! After all it is about puttinng pips into the account. You both are clearly smart people better to work in the same direction rather then using energy to argue. I love the cleaness of your charts Simba!

Good Trading


Hahahaha,Thanks Jim,long time no see...I rent my charts at "rentaclean chartdotcom" they are expensive but simplify the issue of trading

How is everything going?Any comments on cycles?




Simple answer. Are signals from post 583 repainted ?? YES or NO ??

I have a feeling that i hit very weak spot here....because a lot of noise

from three sources already....
