Starter EAs - page 4


Here is an update of my statements for starterV6.

Unfortunately, my testing of this EA is not perfectly according to the rules. A week ago, as the EA was not performing as it should (It was loosing/winning resulting in breakeven), I changed the timeframe and currencies it was attached to so I think my testing was worthless in the automatic "EA" spirit point of view.

23oct-9nov statement: original setup (for charts)

9 nov-25nov statement: at first original setup (10 first trading days) and then I changed to the new setup (see below)

TP 20, Stop 10, SL 35






the results for 24 oct to 25 nov is satisfactory but Starter V6 needs some help in choosing which currencies are performing better. That can be a headache and nerve racking. Sometimes I feel the process of choosing is like flipping a coin.

The best way I think is to open up 4 demo platform of MT4 (from the same broker of course) and then for each platform choose a timeframe. For example: platform 1 is for M5, platform 2 is for M15 etc,,,

Every week, check which currency on which timeframe is performing the best and then change your live account accordingly.

I will be posting again the result next week with this setup.



From my own personal testing and eyeballing the current data in Stater v6_fuki (the original version not version 2) is best with 15 min. Basically Starter 6_fuki is a M15 scalper EA that work very well. The higher the time frames the higher the risk that this EA will loss money. For my next test I will put S/L at 27-30 to see if it limited the damage or increase the risk. I do not think Starter can recover from a 30+ point lose. I also recommended that the spread should be no more then four for pairs.

Eyeballing Sadaloma's data from nov 9 to the 25 I can tell that when he change his setting the last three lost was in the M30 to H1. My own personal data I have now on M30 to H4 timeframe shows that it has greater risk. The M5 timeframe while started well, went to the red. I think the M5 can do better with certain pairs. The M30 does make money but it loss more so and one big lost will whipe out profits, as I will explain in future post about this EA. The safest bet for M15 to M30 is EUR/USD from my testing.


And here is my latest starter_v6 statement. (Original starter_v6 -- OOTB). So this is two weeks of forward testing now.

I have now cut out USD/JPY and all the crosses. It is running on EUR/USD and GBP/USD -- 15 and 30 minute charts, and USD/CAD and USD/CHF -- 30 min and 1 hour charts.

I will keep testing, I think this EA is showing promise.


Version: Starter v6 Fuki (original)

Time Frame: M15


Lots: 1.0

Take Profits: 10

Stop Loss: 35

Type of Test: Forward Testing

Date of Trades: 11-20-05 to 11-25-05

Broker: Interbankfx

Human Intervention: None

Total Trades: 26

Total Win: 21

Total Loss: 5

Total Profit: $1,223.08

Total Loss: $-624.18

Net P/L: $598.90

Highest Win: $172.42 EURGBP

Highest Loss: $-295.06 USDCAD

Most Traded Pair: 5 EURGBP

Least Traded Pair: 2 EURUSD/USDCHF


Pairs Net Loss: EURCHF, USDCAD

Pair Highest Gain: USDJPY

Pair Highest Loss: USDCAD

The test was done using Interbankfx broker on M15 time frame. Interbankfx went down for a few hours on the 24th. This might effects all the trades that were made on the 24th. It was run on a win2k server with 512 RAM. The computer was running six instance of Metatrader in different time frame. All Metatrader instance were running original Starter v6 Fuki. Further testing is needed to insure accurate desirable results. Due to the limited amount of data that was gather it is not advise to use it as a reference point for real live money trade.

Attach to this post is the original DetailedStatement, MS Excel 2000 Detailed Statement, MS Excel 2000 Detailed Statement in HTML format for those that don't have Excel.

There were 21 total wins that netted $1,223.08 in profits. Twelve of those trade gone $50 (5 pips) or more. There were 5 losses that netted $-624.18. Three of those trade gone $-50 or more. Four trades made to the maximum take profits limit. None of the trades reach the $-350 (35 pips) stop loss limit. Only one trade reaches $-295 (30 pips).

Of the four major pairs none lose a trade. Of the four USDJPY was the biggest winner with three trades for a total amount of $252.33. It is fellow by GBPUSD with three trades for a total amount of $210.

It is interesting that on my pervious post/data it shows that USDJPY and GBPUSD were losers but keep in mind those two pairs were not solely base on the M15 time frame like this test was base on. The current conclusion with limited data is that the M15 time frame is good for all major pair. Both USDJPY and GBPUSD have three total trades while EURUSD and USDCHF has two. The more trades a pair does the more profit/risk it takes. With that in mind USDJPY and GBPUSD might be at a greater risk of a big loss. More data is needed to verify this thesis.

All the losses happen in the secondary pairs. Two of the pairs made profits and the other two losses. The losses were greater then winners in monetary value. The losses almost double the winner value. USDCAD has the biggest losses with $-159.05. It has the biggest one trade loss at $-295.06. The EURCHF has one win and two losses but it came out of a net loss of $-15.16. Both EURJPY and EURGBP have one loss each but the gains outweighed. There seem to be an irregularity in the EURGBP. The take profit was set to 10 ($100) yet one of the trades went for $172.45, which cause some concern. It might be that the price jumps past the $100 and into $172 (17 pips) causing the Starter to execute at that price.

With the limited data on M15 it should be assume that if the current trend holds out, we will see the total net value declined. These will due in part of the secondary pairs (EURCHF, USDCAD, EURJPY, EURGBP) will acquire more losses and the major four pairs (USDJPY, EURUSD, USDCHF, GBPUSD) profits cannot offset those growing losses. Further testing is needed to prove this conclusion.


Version: Starter v6 Fuki (original)

Time Frame: M30


Lots: 1.0

Take Profits: 10

Stop Loss: 35

Type of Test: Forward Testing

Date of Trades: 11-20-05 to 11-25-05

Broker: Interbankfx

Human Intervention: None

Total Trades: 11

Total Win: 9

Total Loss: 2

Total Profit: $721.28

Total Loss: $-659.78

Net P/L: $61.50

Highest One Trade Win: $85.37 EURGBP

Highest One Trade Loss: $-350.00 EURUSD

Most Traded Pair: 3 EURUSD

Least Traded Pair: 0 EURGBP


Pairs Net Loss: USDJPY, EURUSD

Pair Highest Gain: USDCAD

Pair Highest Loss: USDJPY

The test was done using Interbankfx broker on M30 time frame. Interbankfx went down for a few hours on the 24th. This might effects all the trades that were made on the 24th. It was run on a win2k server with 512 RAM. The computer was running six instance of Metatrader in different time frame. All Metatrader instance were running original Starter v6 Fuki. Further testing is needed to insure accurate desirable results. Due to the limited amount of data that was gather it is not advise to use it as a reference point for real live money trade.

As expected the M30 traded far less then the M15 timeframe. There were 11 trades total. Nine of them were winners and 2 losers. Of the nine trades, eight of them went $50 (5 pips) or more. The two losses combine almost wipe out all the profits for the week. While the data is limited to a few trades it is interesting to note that the M30 win/loss pairs is the opposite of the M15 win/loss pairs.

Two of the major pair suffers huge loss but one of them can be attributed to Interbankfx server problem. On the 24th Interbankfx server crashed leaving EURUSD pair hanging. This could be the main culprit in the highest one trade loss. Aside from what happen in Interbankfx the EURUSD and USDJPY have a combine loss of 659.78. Two losses on the two major pair almost wipe out all the gain for the whole week. The USDCHF and GBPUSD fair much better. Posting modest gains. There were three trades that reached the take profit limit, the EURUSD have two and GBPUSD has the last one. No other pairs reached the take profit limit. Again aside form the Interbank server crash, the EURUSD was the only pair that reached the stop loss limit of 35 points ($350).

The secondary pairs did a much better job then the major ones. All secondary pairs suffer no loss. All was winner with the USDCAD having the best record with two wins for a total profit of $169.92. The USDCAD was the only secondary pair that reaches past the $100 total profit mark. The EURCHF and EURJPY both post modest gains with the EURGBP having no trades at all.

Without the server interbankfx crash on the 24th, I believe the M30 timeframe would have made better gains then it currently has. However I do not believe in the long run that the M30 can be proven profitable overall. It might be that some pairs will do very well but others will drag the gain down to a loss. Finding which pairs does well will need far more data then we have at this moment on the M30 timeframe.


Version: Starter v6 Fuki (original)

Time Frame: H4


Lots: 1.0

Take Profits: 10

Stop Loss: 35

Type of Test: Forward Testing

Date of Trades: 11-20-05 to 11-25-05

Broker: Interbankfx

Human Intervention: None

Total Trades: 7

Total Win: 5

Total Loss: 2

Total Profit: $429.29

Total Loss: $-700.00

Net P/L: $-270.71

Highest One Trade Win: $100.00

Highest One Trade Loss: $-350.00 GBPUSD

Most Traded Pair: 5 GBPUSD


Pairs Net Gain: USDJPY, USDCAD

Pairs Net Loss: GBPUSD

Pair Highest Net Gain: USDCAD

Pair Highest Net Loss: GBPDUSD

The test was done using Interbankfx broker on H4 time frame. Interbankfx went down for a few hours on the 24th. This might effects all the trades that were made on the 24th. It was run on a win2k server with 512 RAM. The computer was running six instance of Metatrader in different time frame. All Metatrader instance were running original Starter v6 Fuki. Further testing is needed to insure accurate desirable results. Due to the limited amount of data that was gather it is not advise to use it as a reference point for real live money trade.

There were a total of seven trades. Five of the trades were winners two were loser. The two losses outweigh the total value of the five gains. The two losses combine total to $700. While the five wins have a total value of $429.29. Both losses reach the stop loss limit of 35 points ($350). Only two of the winners reached the take profit limit of 10 pips ($100).

Only two of the four major pairs were active in the H4 timeframe. The GBPUSD is the only pair that loss in the test. It has two losses that total to $-700. Those two losses reach the stop limit. The GBPUSD was the only pair that reached the take profit limit. USDJPY has one trade for modest gain. Keep in mind that while the H1 GBPUSD losses were not on the 24th these were. The server downtime could have play in both of those losses.

Only two of the four secondary pairs were active in the H4 timeframe. Both pairs only have one trade each with modest gains.

The H4 timeframe is almost identical to the H1 timeframe. Both loss reach the stop loss limit and both were with the GBPUSD. While it is too early to tell it is best to stay away from the H1 and H4 timeframe for trading using this EA for real money.


My latest starter_v6 statement. (Original starter_v6 -- OOTB). This is now three full weeks of forward testing.

I like this EA so far. I have determined in my testing that this EA is probably NOT suited to trade the GBP/USD. That pair seems to be too volatile to be consistent with this EA. For the last three weeks that pair is -96 pips. If you took out that pair, this EA would be profitable in the three weeks of live testing. I will continue to forward test this EA with the GBP/USD, but if I trade this live, I will probably cut out that pair.

For the four pairs that I have been trading (I cut out the USD/JPY and the crosses), the profit and loss for the three weeks looks like this:

EUR/USD: +$800.00 (+80 pips)

USD/CHF: +$418.03 (+ approx. 50 pips)

USD/CAD: + $87.84 (+ approx. 11 pips)

GBP/USD: -$960.00 (-96 pips)


what time frame are you attaching starterV6 on? m15?



EUR/USD and GBP/USD are both on two charts: M15 and M30.

USD/CHF and USD/CAD are also on two charts: M30 and H1.

Also, if you look at the statements that I've posted, you can see which chart generated each trade.