Advanced GET - page 3


when the HyperTrader connector was free I used one to run the

realtime MT3/TS2ki/AG setup but had some problems with losing

charts and applied tools moving, plus the update process plus

having so many programs running I changed to the eod setup

of course if you 'have to have' AG rt I understand

if you run AG eod, have an MT4 page for each timeframe of each

pair you trade and apply the AGData indicator to each individual

chart so when you close/re-open AG the open AG charts update

p5.png  20 kb

Forexite Quoteroom will support several formats. It will give metastock data in RT as it will act as an Esignal emulator. You can also use it for any program that will accept ASCII data.

Set quoteroom up as in the photos attached.

somewhere during the installation quoteroom will ask you for a directory for the xpo data to be stored. 1 option I believe was c:/historylib

this is where mine is

next open Globalserver

under files select import data and browse for the folder (you will only need to browse the first time)

select only the last dated file(current date)

click on ok

Globalserver will now load the data, it will usually load itself 3 or 4 times, (auto)

you are now ready to load your chart in Aget

I usually only trade the GBP so the way to get data into Aget is shown using the GBPUSD as an example, just do the same for any chart you wish

select the new chart button, aget looks for globalserver

type in what you want, GBP A0-FX (A (Zero)-FX)

you should now have a chart

my filesharing network is down tonight, in the morning I will post a link for the version of quoteroom I am using

If you are also using TS2000i use the same format to get data into it, from here you can power other programs such as Dynamic Trader

quoteroom1.jpg  23 kb
quoteroom2.jpg  27 kb
quoteroom3.jpg  28 kb
chart.jpg  29 kb

the link for the version of quoteroom I use


Can someone post a free download link to get this AGET software and free data etc?


Fred, your pm box is full

you need to look more closely at the 'Properties' image from the zip

right click on each 'Format' category to set Date Skip OHLCV Skip

the link for the version of quoteroom I use

It took me 2 days to make it works but I go it now. Thanks for all your time.

I have some recommendations to other/new users.

Follow the procedures as foreverold explains and make sure everything is ok.

Check you have at least a couple hours of data.

Then go to Forexite history server properties, select global server and change Request history date to desired. IE: 01/02/2006

Be careful, more than 1 year of data becomes to heavy for the PC and you would have data corruption.

Forexite will download the data, creates the XPO and imports into Global Server.


Mq4 File to Esignal

hello everyone!

I jsut join up with Esignal for there data and charting package. I am wondering if someone can help me out with converting these 2 metatrader indicators over to EFS files.

One is a pivot indicator and other is just a sessions box indicator.

I hope someone can help me.

PS: NO help over in Esignal forum... That place is like a desert.


QBV intrpretation

Hello everyone

I want to ask if someone of esignal users regardles of esignal package ( basic, AGET or Pro or ...) knows, have information or experiance with QBV indicator...? Ho to use it and interpret it intrading...?

I have basic package from my broker. Esignal refused to help me since I am not their direct customer and told me to attend seminar for AGET which cost $3000 to learn about this indicator....Well, I can not do that.

Thank you in advance to everyone willing to help.




It took me 2 days to make it works but I go it now. Thanks for all your time.

I have some recommendations to other/new users.

Follow the procedures as foreverold explains and make sure everything is ok.

Check you have at least a couple hours of data.

Then go to Forexite history server properties, select global server and change Request history date to desired. IE: 01/02/2006

Be careful, more than 1 year of data becomes to heavy for the PC and you would have data corruption.

Forexite will download the data, creates the XPO and imports into Global Server.

Hi Linuxser, pls help!!! , in my Historylib, those files are folder instead of *.xpo,1 coundn't locate any xpo file,what wrong is that!!!???

Hi Linuxser, pls help!!! , in my Historylib, those files are folder instead of *.xpo,1 coundn't locate any xpo file,what wrong is that!!!???

Sorry but I have nothing to add besides my prev posts.

Follow to steps over and over till you get luck.