Fibonacci Museum


The "Middle Ages" in our consciousness associate with the concept of inquisition orgy, campfires, on which witches and heretics are incinerated, and crusades for "the body of God". The science in those times obviously was not "in a center of society attention". In these conditions appearance of the mathematical book "Liber abaci" ("the book about an abacus"), written in 1202 by the Italian mathematician Leonardo Pisano (by the nickname of Fibonacci) was the relevant event in the "scientific life of society".

Welcome to the Museum of Harmony and Golden Section.

About Fibonacci, Forex and Fibonaccization of our life.


Ron Knott's Surrey University web site

Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Section.

Home page for Ron Knott's Surrey University multimedia web site


The 'Phi-Nest'

The 'Phi-Nest': Source to the golden section, golden mean, divine proportion, Fibonacci series and phi.


The Stock Market and the Fibonacci Series

Human expectations occur in a ratio that approaches Phi.

Phi and Fibonacci numbers are used to predict stocks.

Markets may be as geometrically perfect as a spider's web.

Phi, or Golden Ratio, patterns often define the timing of highs and lows and price resistance points.

Phi and Fibonacci numbers define the price movements of stocks in Elliott Wave Theory.

Evething you may find here


The Fibonacci Numbers. College Class

It is very interesting ...

College Class...

But I was thinking about myself that I am very educated, graduated, postgraduated but never studied this college lessons.


The Elliott Wave Chart Page

Elliott Wave & Market Timing

It is very interesting ...

College Class...

But I was thinking about myself that I am very educated, graduated, postgraduated but never studied this college lessons.

Ah the conspiricy is still alive, there are many things that they wont teach you in college. Hence it's called the "dark ages", as for "where not showing you what happened then"


Fibonacci theory

The concept of Fibonacci Forex trading is being used by millions of Forex traders all around the world. These numbers forecast the coming oscillation in the Forex charts. Though, at the same time, the prediction made cannot be proclaimed as flawless and straight hitting to the mark, the closeness it gets to is quite amazing. The Fibonacci levels are very elementary and fundamental concepts which need to be grasped before delving into the risky environment of Forex trading.

Fibonacci theory



Anyone can make phi-ellipse fibonacci for mt4 like Robert Prechter says?

i give this pic

phi.jpg  27 kb
Anyone can make phi-ellipse fibonacci for mt4 like Robert Prechter says? i give this pic

[lang=es]No encuentro, en ningún sitio un indicador para las elipse fibonacci. Alguien puede indicarme de donde descargarlo.

Muchas gracias.

I can not find, anywhere an indicator for fibonacci ellipse. Can anyone tell me where to download it.

Thank you very much.[/lang]